Chapter Fourty One

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Ginny's POV

Mione has been in a daze all day and all of us have noticed. My concern skyrocket when Mione didn't turn up for dinner. I mentally asked Blaise if Draco or he has seen her as well as checking with Luna, Neville and Harry. No one had seen her.

I thought her daze was bad as she didn't focus in class but no one seeing her really doesn't sit well for me. I put some food in my pocket for her just in case she was in our dorm.

After dinner, I rushed back to the dorm to Draco's and Hermione's room. I immediately see Mione passed out on the bed and it caused all my concern to escape my body. She's safe and asleep.

I head back down to see our concerned friends and say, "She's passed out on the bed. She must have really been lost in her thoughts." Just as I finished speaking there was a knocking on the window. Draco headed to the window as let in the owl, the owl dropped the letter on the coffee table and flew over to me as I held out my hand out for the toffee coloured bird.

Blaise looked at the envelope and said, "It's addressed to Mia!?"
"It could just be another person rambling about how she unsuitable and that rubbish," Neville replied with slight anger and concern lacing his voice. Draco picked the letter out of Blaise's hands and opened it. I saw the relief and nervousness flash through his face as he read the letter.

"Who is it from Dray?" I asked as a slight nervousness fluttered into me. "Witch Weekly, it seems Mia finalized when we are going to correct the stupid lies spread." Everyone just seemed to take a deep relieving breathe as we all relaxed. Draco said he could hear Mia waking up and I dashed up the stair everyone seemed to be concerned for why I dashed out the room and how Mione will react.

I opened the door quickly summoning a plate from the kitchenette and placing all the food on it. The others arrived just as I finished placing the food on the plate and Mia turned and opened her eyes a second later. I smiled and held out the plate towards her.

"I brought you some food, Mione. The others and I are just concerned as you seemed to be in a daze all day long." I said with concern and uneasy flooded my voice. She took the food and began to eat it however she didn't eat much. "I'm fine guys, just been thinking on the letters and some passed experience." She started to mutter the end of the sentences, I heard her as well as Draco and Blaise.

She rolled over but I knew exactly what she was thinking about and so did Draco by the look on his face as she forgot to block him out. I felt some tears build in my eyes for the pain that my sister is feeling. Well not only future sister in law but also someone I see as a sister.

I moved closer to her and pulled her up into a hug. At first, she froze then I began to feel her uneven breaths as she tries to find her emotions in. I began to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, hoping to comfort her.

Hermione POV

I rolled over and curled up into myself. I had a young Draco and his friends bullying me, a rude first year Ron making comments behind my back and the Malfoy Manor incident which lead to a permanent scar as well as the threats to my life.

Why can't I just have a break for once? Just a quiet day!

I felt Gin move closer to me. Then she pulled me up into a hug, I froze shocked then I began to relax in her arms. The emotions I was already feeling hit me harder causing my breath to go never as I hold it back. Gin began whispering sweet nothings into my ear obviously feeling the change in my breathing.

"You are so strong, Mione. So brave. Mione, you are strong, brave, bright, kind, caring, wonderful, beautiful person who has had challenges but has come out better than you went in even if you don't feel it you have my wonderful kind sister." I whispered a few tears fell and only increased as did the volume of my voice with the rest of my rant about Mione. "You are the brightest witch for our age and I am not only proud of what you did but who you are and what you have become, and I am not the only one. Harry is, Neville, Luna, Blaise, Fred, George, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, Dad, Mum, your Mum, McGonagall, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Kingsley, Draco and so many other people are so proud of you. We all love you for who you are and nothing could possibly change that. My mother has already been told by me, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, the twins and my Dad that it is a lot of Dragon's dung and she needs to find out from the sources, not the bloody Daily Prophet. No one expects you to be perfect and you most definitely are not but then no one is. Ronald is an idiot and will always be an idiot, Harry will always be his Nobel self, Luna will always be kind, Neville will always doubt himself, I will always have moments where I forget I am something more than just a Weasley but you, you always saw through that and saw our true potential just like you saw Draco as a lost, broken boy and Blaise as a Galleon trying to be a knut. You see the true person hiding by insecurities, faults, masks and personality traits so why do you doubt yourself because of what has been said in the past. You are strong, brave, bright, kind, caring, wonderful, beautiful person who has had challenges but has come out better than you went in even if you don't feel it you have my wonderful kind sister. You are so strong, Mione. So brave. So pure. So caring. So wonderful."

Hermione POV
She looked up at me with tears falling down her cheeks like my own and we both looked and started laughing, confusing everyone else in the room. It took us 10 minutes to calm down before we were able to breathe and stop laughing. "Ok, laughing why?" Blaise asked confused but adoration shining in his eyes. "Ginny and I normally end up laughing after a heart-touching moment. It is just a comforting thing to do." Harry chuckled shaking his head along with Bay and Dray while Luna laughed hugging us and Neville had a bright happy smile while shaking his head at us.

All felt calm, all felt right and all felt at complete and utter peace. And I wondered try not to jinx it. How long would this last?

Hey, Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and hopefully a happy new year. For me in a few hours, it will be a new decade. Woop Woop. I'm ready for a new decade and a new year. Please comment me message me any ideas, quotes or your opinion, I love hearing from you guys. Hopefully, I will be able to do book chapter in a more regular time period for you guys. Thanks for reading.

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