Chapter Thirty Six

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Thank to all of my wonderful view I much appreciate the feedback and votes you leave for me. I love hearing from you guys and would really appreciate reading, more of you thoughts, feelings and questions you may have for this book. I will always answer any questions and even recognize you for your feelings and thoughts on my book. Please don't feel like you may offend me for any thoughts or feelings you have on my book, if anything it helps me to want to be a better writer for you guys. Again, thanks so much for reading this, you help me through some of the bad times in my life by even reading my book.                                                                      ~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mione when do we ever have a quiet year." He said chuckling as I joined in and states, "True, Very true."

We walked towards the carriages giving Hagrid a quick Hello as we walked to the carriages. Blaise and Draco headed up to Hogwarts with their old friends were as Ginny and I headed up with Harry, Neville, Luna and we ran into Dean, Seamus. We also saw Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Justin Finch-Fletchley also Daphne Greengrass, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson and Daphne's little sister, Astoria, I think she's called walking in with Draco and Blaise.

We got in the carriage and I see the Thestrals and stroke it's back gently. After the 10 minute carriage ride we all walking into Hogwarts throw the great doors at the entrance and I feel a tear fall down my cheek as I set my eyes on the Great Hall. I pull Ginny into a side hug as I know how difficulty it will be to enter the place where she lost her favorite brother, I pulled Harry into a hug as well because I know he will feel guilty being here alive when others died and I want him to remember that it was not his fault. We sat at the Gryffindor table as I felt Dray and Blaise eyes looking at us as I know they both want to be near to comfort us but they can't within the 5 minutes it take for the older students to sit down the First Years arrive and walk down towards the Teacher's table.

I could see their nervous faces as well as the look of awe and wonder as they see the roof and the Great Hall. This part is always my favorite to see the new students who we have to protect and encourage, to be role models, friends and supporters. The new students got sorted within 20 minutes with only one hat stall as the hat couldn't decide where to place the child, I know how that child feels as I myself as well as Harry feels due to the fact we both caused hat stalls when we were their age. McGonagall gives the welcome speech and introduces the Head Boys and Head Girls which caused some confusion as there are more than one for this year.

"I know some of you who have been here previously may be confused at to why this year there is more than one but I have done this because I felt as this year is the first after the war many people lost someone or more than one person and they might need help handling this or want support. This is one of the reasons also because it will help support the school to have multiple because they won't be swamped with the ideas I have planned for this year. Now without further ado I introduce your Head Boys, whom I wish will stand when I say there names, Neville Longbottom, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy." The second Dray's name was said some students started yelling about how he was a Death Eater and is not a suitable role model. I felt Dray's shame fill him for not only being a Death Eater but also how he treated people in the past.


I felt Dray's being filled with adoration and pride fill him because of me. McGonagall gave me a quick glance and could tell I was annoyed and getting towards angry at their accusations. She quickly stopped them and spoke, "Draco may have a bad past but a past is the past and I have seen how changed Draco is, yes he may have been a Death Eater but he changed who he wanted to be like and like Professor Snape he became a spy for the Order of the Phoenix." She allowed the students a moment to digest the new information, before she introduced the Head Girls. "Now, ladies please do the same as the boys, the Head Girls are Luna Lovegood, Ginevra Weasley and Hermione Granger... nope Zabini, no sorry Hermione Malfoy. Sorry Hermione." I chuckled as McGonagall went through all my last names. "It's ok, Professor, I never realized just how many names I have had or are going to have." I said accepting McGonagall's apologize.

We sit down again and McGonagall begins the Feast and I didn't realized just how much I love Hogwarts cooking, due to the fact there is no Ronald to make me lose my appetite.

Draco POV
Blaise and I exited the train and heard Harry said to Mia, "Mione, we're home." My angel nodded and replied, "Indeed we are, Harry indeed we are. Do you think we will have a quiet year this year?" I chuckled at here question because they have never had a quiet year and i don't expect this one to be any different for them. "Mione, when do we ever have a quiet year?" He said chuckling as she joined in and states, "True, Very true."

Blaise and I joined Pansy, Gregory, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Millicent Bulstrode on the carriage back to Hogwarts and I heard Pansy asked, "Have you come back to your senses yet Drakie?"
"What do you mean Pansy?" I asked confused but also slightly annoyed.

"I mean have you finally drop the b..." she started to say however Blaise quickly cut her off before she pissed me off, "Oh, look we're here now come on off we get!" Saying it enthusiastically and loud to drown out Pug face's comment, she chucked a glare at him.

We walked into the Great Hall and I felt Mia enter behind me however her sadness hit me like a truck, and I know Blaise just felt Gin's because his face like mine dropped because we want to comfort them but we need to stay away from them for now. McGonagall did the normal Welcome Speech and the sorting of the First Years I felt Mia's pride, care and loving nature extent towards the First Years as she though how we were their protectors, encourages and role models to them.  I hear McGonagall explain why there are more than one set of Heads this year and I looked towards Mia wanting to comfort her because I could feel her sadness the second it was mentioned and I saw Blaise do the same to Gin. I saw Mia look at both of us with a small smile because she knows exactly what we both want to do. 

"I know some of you who have been here previously may be confused at to why this year there is more more than one but I have done this because I felt as this year is the first after the war many people lost someone or more than one person and they might need help handling this or want support. This is one of the reasons also because it will help support the school to have multiple because they won't be swamped with the ideas I have planned for this year. Now without further ado I introduce your Head Boys, whom I wish will stand when I say there names, Neville Longbottom, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy." The second my name was said some students started yelling about how I was a Death Eater and is not a suitable role model. I felt shame fill me for all my past actions towards others, I was a child trying to make my father proud who could never be proud and only pick at my flaws. I was a horrible person who was a selfish a$s who never thought about how my actions affect others. 

I winched at my Angel's voice filling my head yelling at me in a irritated tone, 'DON'T YOU DARE THINK THAT MISTER, THAT IS THE PAST NOT WHO YOU ARE NOW. THE PAST DOES NOT MATTER YES YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PROVE YOURSELF TO PEOPLE BUT DON'T EVER FORGET HOW MUCH YOU HAVE CHANGED. I LOVE YOU NOT BECAUSE MY VEELA TELLS ME TO BUT BECAUSE I HONESTLY LOVE WHO YOU ARE PRESENTLY NOT WHO YOU WERE!' I begin to feel proud and adoration for my Angel fill me and flow through our bond. Professor McGonagall quickly stopped them and spoke, "Draco may have a bad past but a past is the past and I have seen how changed Draco is, yes he may have been a Death Eater but he changed who he wanted to be like and like Professor Snape he became a spy for the Order of the Phoenix." She allowed the students a moment to digest the new information, before she introduced the Head Girls.

 "Now, ladies please do the same as the boys, the Head Girls are Luna Lovegood, Ginevra Weasley and Hermione Granger... nope Zabini, no sorry Hermione Malfoy. Sorry Hermione." I chuckled as did Mia as McGonagall went through all her last names. "It's ok, Professor, I never realized just how many names i have had or are going to have." She said accepting McGonagall's apologize. We began to eat that is when... all hell broke loose.

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