Chapter Thirty Four

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Thank you to all my wonderful reader. I know you probably won't want excuses but life has been hectic and I have not been in the right mind to write. However, I want to dedicate this chapter to BlueApocalypse25.

The last couple of days passed quickly for us being in each other's arms. We go to Hogwarts so I'm just finishing packing the final items for tomorrow; making sure Draco has and checking on my brother and Ginny to see if they have done their cases to.

I owl'd Harry to see if you go back to Hogwarts as well as Luna, Neville, Seamus and Dean were going back.
I got a reply from Luna, Neville and Harry saying they were going back. I went downstairs and spent our last evening with my family. Draco and I spent our last evening before school worshipping each other's body and our bond. We decided we would not mention us until McGonagall mentions it.

I was up at 7 the next morning, I woke Dray up and went to have a shower. I jumped as I felt a pair of hand grab my waist but relaxed as I felt Dray's presence behind me. "Sorry for startling you Angel I just thought we could spend as much time as possible before we arrive at Hogwarts." He kissed my neck and I knew how he wanted to spend his time.

After a 45 minute long shower, we showered properly and got dressed. Heading down for breakfast I saw Ginny sat on Blaise's lap because we all know Dray and Blaise will have to sit at the Slytherin table while Gin and I will be at the Gryffindor table. However, we found out that Ginny, Blaise, Neville, Luna, Draco and I were picked for Head boy and Head girl. Harry and Ginny, as well as Draco and Blaise, are co-captains for their personal houses for Quidditch.

We finish breakfast and apparatus with our trunks and shadow, Arnold and Blaise's Raven, Ella. (Up at the top) He told me the reason for the name Ella and I thought it was rather cute.

When my father let it slipped he had a sister he named his raven Ella which is shortened from the Italian word Sorella which means Sister. I love the sentimental reasoning behind it and Ella is a rare white raven that Blaise has trained since she first hatched.

Anyway back to what was happening we apparated to King's Cross station and we all walked in including Mama and headed for Platform 9 3/4. It was 10:30 when we went through the barrier not wanting to risk being late and missing the train. I immediately saw Harry, Neville and Luna, Ginny and I ran to see them as I also spotted the Weasley Family obviously wanting to see off Harry and Ginny.

Ginny and I hug Harry, Luna and Neville and Ginny begins to say hi and bye to her family as Blaise and Dray mutter a hello and see you soon as they go to say Goodbye to Mama.

I saw Dray freeze so I use out bond to talk to him. 'Dray what is the matter?' I asked as I felt fear crawl into myself. 'My Mother is here Angel but that is not what is scaring me it is who is with her!!!'  The fear increased and I wanted to get Draco and hold him soothing his fear away. 'Dragon, Calm down. Who is with here who is scaring you?' I asked getting anger at the fact my mate is scared by someone. However, as he whispered who I freeze as I remember what he threatened me with through a letter.

'My Father!'

Harry saw me freeze and saw where I began looking. He quickly got the Weasleys over along with Blaise and Mama.

"What is the matter, Harry?"
"What's wrong?"
"What is the matter?"
"Hermione are you ok?"
Were asked and Ginny asked the last one as she saw me pale. Hearing that Draco was quick by my side looking at me with concern but I could still feel his fear.
"He can't be here. He... He can't." I mutter as my breathing picks up.
"Why, Angel?"
I just couldn't answer.
"Wait Mione does this have anything to do with the strange letter you got which made you upset and scared?" Gin asked as always hitting the nail on the head. I looked her in the eyes as she could see everything in my eyes. Tears began to blurry my vision slightly, Ginny pulled me into a hug and I quickly let her go and wiped my eyes as I saw him starting over as he spotted us.

"Hello, Hermione. Did you get my letter because if you did, you are playing a dangerous game?" He said venom filling his voice as he said my name but a smirk decorated his face. "I did get your letter but hell will you ever touch anyone I care about. You can try to threaten me as much as you want but you won't succeed. You lost you have no real power as the new Minister of Magic was actually present at the fight so you are already on a short lead so I would be careful of who you are threatening, Malfoy. Because someone could always report you and you would end up in Azkaban before you can even say Avada." I turned around a walked away saying, "Come on guys!"

I said Goodbye to the Weasley's and Mama and boarded the train saying I would see Draco and Blaise in the Head's carriage as I had to get all the first years in a carriage.

After checking all the first year's were in a carriage Ginny and I walked to the head carriage but I stop to go to the loo while Ginny carries on. I leave the lol and get hit with Petrificus Totalus. I see a Pansy and Daphne walk around the corner to face me giggling. "Not so smart are you Mudblood? Anyway, I just need to pass on a message. 'Don't try to fight against me Girl. You will only lose, I will get my way even if it means killing you.' On and I have a message from me for you..." She started to say then slapped me across the face, "Stay away from my man!"

She walked away with Daphne and the spell was released. I numbly walked to the Head's carriage and as I got to the door the sobs just escaped from my lips and I fell to the floor crying whistle holding my checks. Draco rushed and grabbed me before I could completely fall to the floor. I cried so much I passed out from exhaustion.

Draco POV
Ginny walked through the door of the Head's carriage saying 'Mia just popped to the loo and will be here soon.' After 5 minutes I had felt slightly stiff and rigid and then 2 minutes later I felt numb I knew that it was from my angel. I heard her at the door and my heart broke when I heard sobs break from her and saw her walk through the door with tears streaming down her cheeks.

I saw her fall and I rushed to grab her so she didn't hurt herself. She ended up fall asleep and I wiped the tears off of her face and then wiped the fallen tear from mine. I started to feel the anger radiate from the fact my mate was so heartbroken. I think Blaise realised what was happening as I began to shake. I hear Ginny tell Harry and Neville to lift Mia on to the sofa while Blaise tries to calm me down.

All I want to know is. Who the HELL made my mate like this?

Thanks for reading. Please comment or message me your ideas or questions if you have any it is much appreciated. If you want to have a dedicated chapter then please give me any ideas or what you think or any questions. Thanks.

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