Chapter Fifty Four

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It has been a few months after Christmas now, it is almost April and I am busy studying with Ginny any free moment I have for our NEWTs and sometimes Blaise and Draco join us.  So far we have had no spare time due to the huge amount of homework being giving to us by the teachers to help us study for the NEWTs in May- June. 

Ginny and I have just finished our evening review over charms, we bid each other goodnight and head to our dorm rooms. I walked in to see Draco walking out of the bathroom in a towel as he finished showering after quidditch practice. "Hey Dragon, did you have a good practice?" I asked as I set the books I used with Ginny on the table. "It went relatively well however if Notts doesn't get to practise on time again I'm gonna hit him with his bat!" He replied frustratedly as he talked about the troublesome player. "How was your study session with Gin this evening?"
"Good, Dray we managed to double-check the theory and practical of the spells required for charms." 

We laid down in bed and just listened to the silence that surrounded us, just the sound of our hearts and breathing filled the room. Content. Contentment was what I felt just lying in Draco's arms.

We fell asleep till morning. Waking in the morning I curling into Draco's arms and chest, I looked up at Dray's face to seem him studying mine with a loving look covering his face. "Morning Angel."
"Morning Dray, how did you sleep?"
"Fine, love. How about you?"
"Not too bad. But I still feel tired. What's the time?"
"Calm Angel, we aren't late, we still have time. It's only 7." I lay back into his arms listening to his heartbeat as he rests his chin on mine. 

I abruptly awoke to a loud knocking on the door, still in Draco's arms. "Mione, Draco are you awake? Class starts in 20."
"Yeah, we're awake, Gin thanks," Dray replied to a concerned Gin with a slightly husky voice due to the abrupt reawakening. We quickly got dressed, grabbed some toast that someone made and left on the countertop. We rushed to Charms and made it 2 minutes before the lesson started. 

"Good morning Class. Today we are...." After classes, we headed to the library to meet up with Luna, Gin, Bay and Nev to do our homework. 

It's been a week and I still have been waking up feeling sluggish and today and yesterday I woke up feeling nauseous. I fear that I might be pregnant but Draco and I were using protection magical and muggle protection. It can't be, however, if I actually puke then I will see Madam Pomfrey. I walk to the Great Hall with Ginny and we start eating breakfast after we finished we started heading towards DADA however I felt my stomach turn and I rush to the bathroom. I managed to make it to a cubicle before I threw up my breakfast. I slowly stop dry heaving and Ginny passes me some dampen tissue to wipe my mouth. "Are you ok Mione?" Gin asked concerned. "I'm fine. I just must have eaten something that disagreed with me Gin. Let's get to class before we are late." I replied mental cursing that fact that I could be pregnant and if I am Draco and Blaise will notice quickly when the babies' heart beats. 

After classes and dinner, I head to the Black lake, just needing time to think and be alone. "Man, how could I be pregnant." I mutter to myself, "Of all the things I need so close to NEWTs is to be pregnant. What is my mum gonna say it I am? I'm so stupid. We were being careful and I don't remember not taking a pill. So how is this bloody possible!" I probably spend a good three-quarter of an hour to an hour in my internal rant of how stupid, irresponsible I am if I am pregnant how the hell it is possible! I headed to my dorms and just went to bed early as it is only about 7 pm.

I wake up the next morning, feeling relaxed and then suddenly nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom throwing up, Draco quickly followed me and grabbed my hair out of the way for me gently rubbing my lower back not really know how else to comfort me while I puke. 

"Are you okay, Angel?" Dray asked after I stopped dry heaving and cleaned the foul taste away. 

Draco POV

When Mia rushed out of bed this morning running to the bathroom, I followed her as I was watching her before she woke up. It's not creepy if you're thinking that. I was.. no am concerned because Ginny said she threw up yesterday after breakfast, she been tired and struggling to get out of bed in the morning.  I rub her back holding her hair out of the way as she continues to throw up and dry heave afterwards. I pass her a glass of water and let her brush her teeth. "Are you okay, Angel?" I ask as my concern grows. She nodded her head looking exhausted. I gently lead her to bed and ask her again. "Are you sure, love? Ginny said you threw up after breakfast yesterday, you've been tired and struggling to get out of bed in the morning and you went to bed early last night and you just threw up again!"
"Yes..  No.. I don't know. I feel fine now, just tired. I just probably ate something that gave me food poisoning." She mutter, however, it sounds as she is trying to convince herself rather than me. But I let it go knowing she tell me if it gets worse. 

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