Chapter Twenty Two

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Just so you know Char is said as Shar but spelt Char.

I woke up at 6 this morning and chucked on a pair of black leggings and a beige coloured jumper, walking downstairs to make breakfast early because we have a long day ahead of us with setting up for the party, distracting a Harry and celebrating a birthday.

Making a stack of chocolate chip pancakes and blueberry muffins for breakfast and place them onto the table as I see Ginny, Blaise and Mama walking to the table. "Morning Mama, Bay. Morning Gin, you ready for today?"
"Yeah I am, how about you Mia? By the way, where is Draco, Mione?" Ginny replied, "That lazy butt is still in bed, I'm about to go wake him but I am ready, thanks Gin."

I ran upstairs and woke up my Dragon who decided he would start a make-out session but I stopped him because the food was getting cold and the Weasley's would be here soon to help set up. I set Gin over to the Burrows at 7:55 so she could get Harry out of the house so we could start setting up.

At 8 everyone who was helping setting up was here and I gave them their jobs. "Draco, Blaise, George, Bill, Charlie and Mr Weasley can you between you set up the sound equipment, banner and balloons, please, oh and the buffet table" I said more in an ordering tone than an asking tone, "Mama and Mrs Weasley can you place the buffet food on their plates and on the table while Fleur and I get the cake."
"Don't worry Hermione we will get it done, go and get that cake. Also, I will make sure the boys don't eat the buffet food."
"Thanks, Mr Weasley," I replied nicely with a thankful tone, Fleur gently pulled me out of the Manor and we apparated to Char's Bakery.

Walking into Char's Bakery I walk up to the person at the till and said, "Hi, I have a cake collection for Hermione Zabini"
"Let me just check, " she replied, checking the computer, "It might be under Granger, I was extremely tired when I ordered, and not used to not being a Granger."
She looks at me then continues typing. "Ah, Hermione Granger a golden snitch cake it is ready, let me just go and get it for you."
"Thank you," I said as she walked away.
"Oh, Hello Hermione, how are you?" Char asked as she walked into the room. "Hi Char, I'm good just picking up my cake order for the party I organized. How are you?"
"I'm good, thanks just busy. Just letting know, I made and decorated the cake myself for you. It is going to be delicious " Char said brightly smiling. "Thank you, Char. I bet everyone will love your delicious handmade cake. I know I did and always will." I replied as I hear Char mutter 'thanks' as I see the confusion on Fleur's face shows she doesn't understand what's happening or who Char is?

"Oh, sorry how rude of me. Char, this is Fleur, Ginny's Sister in Law. Fleur, this is Char, she was like an aunt to me all my life. As neither of my adopted parents had brothers or sister and Char was my adopted mum's best friend." They say 'hi' to each other as the cashier brings out my cake order. "Cake order for Miss Hermione Granger, Here you go, have a 'great day'." She said ending with a sarcastic tone on Great Day. "Georgia, that is not how I taught you to talk to customers. This is wrong, how many times do I have to warn you. We are polite to customers." She scolds Georgia and turns to Fleur and me, "I am sorry Mione and Fleur, for her blatant lack of respect for customers."
"Char it is fine. Seriously, I have had worse remember 'Know it all Granger oh and let not forget Mudblood Granger or Mudblood." I said trying to calm a slightly pissed off Char.
"We need to get going before 'arry gets 'ome, 'ermione," Fleur mentions. "Ok, Char I have to go but thanks for the cake. Lovely seeing you again." I say softly as Char is still glaring at Georgia. "Ok. Bye Mione, stay safe and call me, text me or send me a letter once in a while." Char said sadly.
"I will, Char. Promise."

Arriving back at the Manor with the delicious looking cake, I set it in the kitchen. I found the boys were just waiting to do a soundcheck and then we could let Ginny bring Harry.

Draco and I did a soundcheck as we would be singing and Ginny was not here to do a soundcheck. I then called Ginny.

"Hey Gin."
"Hey, Mione."
"Hey, so we have finished setting up and you can bring everyone back now."
"Oh and before I forget there is a pair of earbuds in your bag for Teddy. You apparate with Harry outside the lounge while Ron apparates with Teddy into the lounge. So we can shout surprise together."
"Ok, I will let them know. See you soon.'
"Yeah see you soon Gin, Bye."

"Ok, everyone. They will be here in a minute so everyone stay quiet. Ron will be apparating in with Teddy, so I can turn off the light when they arrive."

Hey guys, so as promised here is the second part before the party next chapter shall be the party. Please comment you views, questions and suggestion because it is appreciated. Thanks, till the next update.

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