Chapter Fourty Three

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Ok said it a couple of chapters ago but I forgot to do this, but I need your ideas for the future. Please comment or message me baby names for up a future chapter. It may be soon or it may not.
Above is a picture of Saff.

Draco said leading us in and pulled me to his side by my waist just as the door began to shut and we saw...

Something I thought was impossible to see... Neville and Luna making out, a very heated make-out session, in fact. Dray coughed just as Blaise started to head down the stairs further letting the couple know they are not alone and of his surprise but, "What the hell?!" He asked well almost shouted. They jumped apart at both noises and blushed.

I laughed at their reaction just like my brother and fiancee. "Anyway, Saff, this is my brother Blaise, my friends who are like siblings, Neville and Luna, oh and you met Ginny a minute ago is again my best friend like a sibling. Everyone this is Saff, the reporter from Witch Weekly." Blaise, Luna and Neville muttered a 'Hello' and 'Hi nice to meet you.'

We headed over to the sofa and I offered some refreshments to Saff. "Saff, can I get you a drink or a biscuit or my own torta di formaggio?" I asked politely, hearing Blaise chuckle quietly at the use of Italian. "Oh, um a tea would be nice and I would love a to the last thing you mentioned thank you, Hermione," she said slightly startled by my offer, I glanced at my fellow heads and they shock their heads however Luna suggested, "Mione, why don't I help you and we can bring in a jug of water." I quickly nodded and we got the drinks and headed back to the group. I gave Saff her tea and her torta di formaggio. (Picture Below)

"I made them earlier in the day when I had a free period, it is an Almond and apple biscotti biscuit base with a Valencian orange cream top with some raspberries

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"I made them earlier in the day when I had a free period, it is an Almond and apple biscotti biscuit base with a Valencian orange cream top with some raspberries." I said and then told her with a very bright proud smile, "It is just a cheesecake but an Italian twist to it."(Side note, I have actually made these not the picture but the Italian twist cheesecake for my GCSE Food Tech exam.)

"Ok, thank you. So can we begin?" Saff asked. I nodded as Dray pulled me gently into his lap cradling me in his protective arms. She smiled at Dray and I when she started her interview.

Draco POV
"Ok, Miss Zabini, When did you first find out you were a Zabini instead of a Granger?"
"I found out a while after I escaped from Malfoy Manor where Harry, Ronald and I were taken after being caught by snatchers. There Bellatrix LaStrange carved a foul word into my arm which has left a permanent scar by the way, and I felt a strange connection to Draco, who at the time was an enemy of mine and my friends as well as a bully. But that is where I first learned my family tree, I grew up with I knew I was given up to for my protection but as a young child I could never understand that and that I was a Veela with a Veela mate." Mia said.
"Ok, Mr Malfoy, So did you know who Hermione truly was before you learnt to know that you were a Veela as well as her?" Saff asked.
"I did know of her being a Zabini and a Veela but I didn't know if I was truly a Veela, however, there was a chance due to my mother's side. But I only learnt of this information like half an hour before I was summoned to Malfoy Manor." I replied.
"Ok, for the reader who does not know what is a Veela?" Saff questioned.
"A Veela is a person with golden eyes, angel-like wings, heightened senses, a high sexual drive and a way to find their soul mates. Oh, and they can also communicate with their Veelas however I haven't really done that." Mia explained. "Neither have I" I added, Mia and I heard an "I have" Blaise muttered under his breath.
"Ok, Is it true that you are married?" Saff queried.
"No, Dray and I are engaged but we have not yet married or even decided when we are going to marry," Mia said truthfully while I decided to kiss my head.
"Is it true that you are expecting?"
"No it isn't, oh and trust me when I stay I would know as well as Blaise and Mia herself," I responded with a sly smirk.
"And how is that, Mr Malfoy?" Saff enquired curiously.
"Well, Veelas have heightened senses so we would be able to sense the hormone changes and hear the baby's heartbeat." I started.
"Well that sounds a little disturbing," Saff commented.
"Yes it does, doesn't it? It can tho be a curse and a gift to have heightened senses." Mia added.
"I can guess why." Saff said, "Anyway I believe that is every question I nee..." Blaise jumped up suddenly and Mia jumped up to feeling his Veela rising to the surface as I did too, worried about why my godbrother her brother was getting so angry that his Veela was close to taking over. "Blaise, talk to me," Mia said concern lacing her voice. His head snapped to her voice and his eyes were blazing, seriously blazing like a roaring well-fed fire, that shows just how annoyed and furious he was just through his eyes. You could see just how close his Veela was to the surface because of how bright and golden his eyes were. Something was wrong seriously wrong because I felt my Veela starting to struggle to overpower me and I knew Mia was feeling the same... Yep, something is seriously wrong.

Hi, so here is today's update. I will be trying to get the next part done really soon but this update look a lot of flicking back and forth through chapter to make sure that I got my information right. Please comment or message me any thoughts, questions and ideas.

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