Chapter Eleven

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Draco POV

Walking down to the Great Hall, I see Ginny and Hermione sitting on the steps. Harry looks at them as they look at him, "We thought you went to the Forest," Ginny said with concern laced through her voice. "I'm heading there now" he replied, Ginny replied, "No, Harry." Hermione asked, "What is it Harry, What is it you know?"
"There is a reason, I can hear them, the Horcruxes. I think I have known for a while and I think you knew too, " Hermione said through teary eyes, " I'll come too." Harry just asks them to kill the snake if anything just the snake. As he walks off, I pull Hermione and Ginny into a hug to prevent them from following him.

Hermione POV
As Harry walks off towards the Forbidden Forest, my heart breaks as one of the people I ever saw as a brother is walking away to his death. Draco pulls Ginny and me into a hug to prevent us from walking or chasing after him as it would probably be more painful for him to walk away.

Ginny breaks down crying as Harry disappears from view, I hug her trying to calm and soothe her even though I want to break down too. Ron walks over asking us why Ginny is crying and I said biting back tears, "He is doing a Harry, the Noble prat, saving us."

After about an hour, we see lots of black clothes heading our way. Ginny sees Hagrid carrying something and asks Neville what it is. Voldemort stated "Harry Potter is dead" as Ginny screams in pain as I hide my face into Draco's chest. "From this day forth... you'll put your faith in me. Harry Potter is dead!" Every death eater starts laughing, "And now it's the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us... or die!"
"Draco! Draco." Lucius calls for his son, Narcissa commanded in a motherly tone, "Draco. Come."
"No. Why would I leave the people I care about? My mate, My Godbrother, My friends and my second family." Draco replied.
"Mate? What are you talking about mate?" Voldemort questioned.
"So you don't know my family dirty little secret?"
"And what secret might that be?"
"I am a Veela much like my Grandmother"
"Who is your mate then?"
"Hermione." I quickly glance at her and see her nod as well as Bay. "Hermione Zabini"
"I know not of this Hermione Zabini"
"That is because I was given up to be protected from you, as there was a prophecy stating that I will help cause the Dark Lords downfall. By helping Harry, every step of the way from the age of 11. I am the reason why most of your plans failed. I am the one who is clever enough to see through your plans. I am the reason why Harry was always so well informed. I am the one who discovered that a basilisk fang is the only way to destroy a Horcrux. I'm the one who discovered that it was a basilisk in the chamber of secrets, to get through the challenges before the Chambers of Secrets. It was all me." Hermione said confidently.
Voldemort started again "Then you shall die. Come forward and join us... or die!" Neville slowly limped forward towards the Death Eaters and Voldemort."Well, I must say I'd hope for better. And who might you be, young man?" 

Neville replied "Neville Longbottom."
"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our rank." Voldemort sneered.
"I'd like to say something," Neville said confidently.
"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."
"Doesn't matter that Harry is gone." 

 "Stand down, Neville!" Seamus shouted trying to save his best friend from a slow horrible death. "People die every day! Friends, family. Yeah... We lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here. So as Fred, Remus... Tonks... All of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will. Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us! It's not over!" Neville started to shout towards the end.

After that, Harry rolls out of Hagrid's arms and sent a Confringo hurtling toward Nagini. Shortly after death eaters started to apparate out, as they knew it would not end well for their Lord. I drag Hermione and help Blaise and Arthur get a shocked Ginny inside where she is safer. As someone shots the killing curse at Mione I turn and see my Uncle, Rodolphus Lestrange. My Veela takes control due to someone trying to harm Mione as I see Bay also losing control over his Veela as my Aunt, Bellatrix and Alecto Carrow tries to kill Ginny and Bay ends up tearing Alecto into pieces as I do the same to my Uncle. Hermione and Ginny both run to Bay and me to calm us down as well as our Veelas.

All of a sudden all the Death eaters pause Bay, Ginny, Mione and I run out to the courtyard and see Voldemort turning to dust.

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