Chapter Sixteen

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We headed down with now a Ginny in tow. Mama's breakfast was delicious, I have seriously missed home cooking while hunting Horcruxes.

Draco and I decided that we would bond as the need to was starting to become overpowering as we had spent so long away from each other. So that evening Draco and I bonded. I found it so beautiful and natural. Waking up this morning, last night ran through my mind reliving every single moment of it.

Draco and I headed up to bed as we were going to bond tonight. We sat on the bed and as Dragon said to let our instincts lead us. So we did. I said, "I, Hermione Jean Zabini accept you, Draco as my mate. I give you my heart, my life and my soul for you to cherish, love and look after me forever. We become one, forever." Draco the said, " I, Draco Lucius Malfoy accept you Hermione as my mate. I give my heart, my life and my soul for you to cherish, love and look after me forever. We become one, forever." We shared a passionate kiss sealing the first part of the bond. After that, we shared our first night together each giving the other our first time.

Flashback over

To me, I felt whole complete, blissfully happy and satisfied, and I knew Draco felt the same. We decided to spend the whole day enjoying our new bond and each others company. We also sealed our bond over as the hunger for each other didn't seem to be satisfied, but we couldn't tell who was more hunger as we were now one. One life and one soul. We felt each others feeling, and shared pain. We had a sort of telepathic connection through our mind as our souls, lives, body and mind we're one with each other.

The next day we were able to leave my room but we found it difficult to leave each other's side. Bay and Ginny looked confused as we had to have some physical contact whereas my Mama just had a sly smirk on her face saying, 'I know exactly what is happening' or 'You have some explaining to do, later' however I think it was 'I know what is happening and we will talk later'.

After lunch, Mama asked if she could speak to Draco and I, a moment and we obliged. Following Mama to the library. We sat down on the sofas. The first thing Mama said was, "So I guessed you two have completed your bond, as you can't let go of each other." While giggling the last part.
I blushed while Draco awkwardly nodded. Her laughing turned into a wide happy smile as she said, "Don't worry you were going to have to do it anyway, and it is perfectly normal for you to want to be so close to each other for a while. That is just your bond strengthening and it will become easier to be away from each other on short periods of time."
I just looked at my Mama and nodded my head while Draco stared at her and then asked, "One we aren't in trouble and two how long will it take, not that I want to spend time away from each other but you know."
"I know what you mean, it is different for each Veela couple, your father and I, Mia spent six months trying to get used to being even two or three meters away from each other. However, I think it will take you two less time. Draco no you are not in trouble I expected it as I could sense your Veelas getting restless from being close to each other but not being bonded and whole. I am happy for you both. Truly happy. Also, wanted to check you know exactly what it means to be fully bonded."
"Mama we know. Dragon told us. We will have heightened senses, share feelings including pain, Draco will even feel my period cramps and childbirth. If one dies then so does the other. We can live for over a thousand years due to us both being full or half-blooded Veelas. We can also mentally talk to each other due to our souls and minds being one. Also, we have a high sexual drive due to being Veelas." I answered her question. "What who is Dragon Mia?" Mama asked confused Draco and I just smiled, "Dragon is just what I call Draco's Veela. Oh, and we are now one not only with each other but also our Veelas." I said explaining to my Mama.

Hey guys, so struggled to think of how to write this chapter hence why the gap, but also because I received my GCSE results on Thursday and just crashed from living on adrenaline for a week as I was so nervous. Anyway thanks for reading. Please message me or comment what you think it is appreciated.

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