Chapter Nineteen

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The first three days with Teddy flew by and Draco and I still couldn't get enough of each other. Ginny and I were sat in the lounge watching Teddy in his baby rocker, playing with the toys attached to it. "So, how is it going with Draco?" Ginny asked with curiosity sparkling with in her eyes. "Fine thank you, why do you want to know?" I asked with just as much curiosity and nervousness. "Oh, it just seems that you too can't be too far away from each other for longer than a few minutes and you always seem to be touching each other somewhere." She said calmly, "Ok, Draco and I bonded the day before Teddy arrived and our Veelas and ourselves are getting used to being away from each other but it is difficult to do." As I finished Ginny squealed and I cringed at the squeal as Draco and Blaise ran in. I looked and saw Teddy still sleeping.

"Are you girls ok?" Draco asked coming over because he felt my pain. "Yeah, but Ginny please don't high pitch squeal again it hurts ok?" I said calming Draco's worries and trying to prevent it again, "Sorry Mione I didn't realize that it can hurt you, " she said sheepishly looking to the floor blaming herself. "It ok Gin you didn't know. However, bonded Veelas senses are more heightened than a single Veela."

"Wait one second. Since when are you to bonded?" Bay said starting at Draco and I giving Draco a 'you're dead' look and me a 'you're in trouble and I need the answers now' look which made me cringe slightly at the heated glares. "Since the day before Teddy was picked up and Mama already knows, Bay," I said trying to stop him glaring however he just explodes at how he should have been told and that I am too young to have bonded and every other excuse he could think off. I hear Teddy start to cry. "Blaise! You are not my father! You have no right to be pissed at me or try to prevent anything you are not my FATHER! And you woke up the sleeping BABY, HOW THICK ARE YOU!" I shouted furious at him, walking to Teddy and picking him up. I then apparated to my room locking the door with an anti-alohomora charm and anti-apparating spell within the room to prevent them from getting in.

Draco's POV

Hermione just blew up at Bay after he blew up at her and left with Teddy. I hear Ginny whisper "Oh no!"
"What do you mean 'oh no' Gin?" I asked slightly aggregated as I don't know where my mate apparated off to. "When Hermione stayed with us I may have taught her, by accident, to run or apparate to the bedroom and then to lock the door so no one could get in." She said fiddling with her hands nervously, as expecting me to blow up at her. "So what you mean in she apparated to her bedroom in this house?"
"Yeah but she knows and taught me the anti-alohomora charm as well and she knows the anti-apparition charm."
"Well, that's just perfect! Thank you Bay, my girlfriend has just gone and locked herself in her room with an upset baby because you decided to act as her father! I can understand you with the overprotective brother act but you don't need to act like her father. Especially when she has never known her father. Also, her mother was fine and expected it to happen. Whereas she knows it will take you and Ginny longer because Ginny is human!" I said.

I close my eyes and take a couple of deep breaths to prevent my Veela from wanting to murder him as well as calm down. Opening my eyes I stated, "Now I am going to try and get Mia out of her room." Blaise tries to follow to help when Gin grabs his arm saying, "Blaise I would suggest letting Draco calm her down before you make an appearance because of the fact she knows a hell of a lot of jinxes and I don't want you to get hurt. Even if you deserve it!"

"Ok, and by the way Dray. I don't know why I blew up at her, I know I am not her Father and knows she didn't know him but I think it was because I haven't been able to be the overprotective brother as we never grew up together." Bay said dropping to the couch, I could see he was beating himself up because of how he reacted.

"It's not your fault mate I know it is difficult to go from an only child to being a separated twin. But Hermione is trying to adjust to mate and she is just as unsure of how to react just like you are. You need time to adjust is all, mate." I said honestly, "Also you are going to have to apologize to her to get anywhere, mate."
"I know Dray, but I am scared she is going to hate me and never want to see me again." He said with truth sparkling in his tearful eyes. "She won't Blaise. I know Mione and she forgives my brothers and Harry after every mistake as they are like brother to her too, I know she will give you too. You are only human and will make mistakes." Gin informed him.

"Ok I am going up now," I said as Bay and Gin starts embracing and kissing each other.

Please comment so I can improve on how you think the story is going or is. Thanks a tone for reading it guys.

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