Chapter Thirty Two

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I woke up this morning and headed down to make breakfast. I only slept for 4 hours it is now 6 in the morning. I made pancakes, eggs and bacon, adding some fruit on top of the pancakes.

At about 7 in the morning, I saw Blaise, Ginny and Mama arrive at the table. We said morning to each other and are. I could see Ginny was bursting to ask me something. "What is it, Ginny?" I saw here kinda freeze in shock, "Ginny I share a dorm and been your best friend since Second Year so tell me, what you want to ask me that is making you look like your going to explode?"
"How was it last night? Your date." She asked with a full-blown smile gracing her lips. "Great, wonderful, perfect, super, superb. Actually so good I can't actually put it into words but boy will he really have to try do best that date."
"Why?" Ginny asked her eyes drowning in curiosity. "Maybe it maybe not because he does truly love me."

Ginny just looked at my facial expression and squealed and loudly at that. She literally grabbed my hand and yanked it towards her (HARD!!) looking at my left ring finger, screeching when she saw my engagement ring. I have never seen Ginny move so fast, one second she was in her seat next to Bay and the next second she was hugging me tightly saying well more like shouting congratulations at me. Bay's face was so cute, he was so confused, it was hilarious. I raised my hand towards him to show him why Ginny was being... Umm very Girly I guess. I saw his eyes widen at the sight and was pulled into a hug with a kiss on my head, "congrats" he muttered as he did and I know Bay was waiting to see Draco so he could threaten him about hurting me. Even though it was impossible for him to hurt me. Mama also congratulated me and said we need an engagement party, Ginny agreed while I try to tell her I didn't need one. Let me tell you I know exactly where I get my stubbornness from and boy is it hard work trying to stop stubbornness. Is this how I made Harry and Ron feel???? That thought made my eyes widen.

Anyway back to what is happening as I am arguing with Ginny and Mama, Dray walks into the Kitchen. "Woah. What is happening here?" He asked, causing us to stop arguing? "Ginny is nosey as hell and Mama wants to throw an engagement party however I do not." I huffed at my mate in annoyance at my mother's stubbornness. "Hun, you are your mother's only daughter and she wants everything to be perfect for you because she missed most of your life just let her do it. I make her feel less guilty for missing so much of your life." Dray said wrapping my arms around me and gently kissed my temple.

Ginny and I spent 15 minutes talking about how Dray proposed to me. However, remembering that reminded me of what 'We' did to celebrate last night. I slowly excused myself from Ginny saying I was going to get ready for the day, I knew Draco could feel my need for him because I knew his need for me and we are one.

We ended up reliving our own personal celebration of your engagement and, boy, it was worth it. Ever since Dray and I bonded sex just seems 1000 times better than before but I am guessing that could be due to the fact that we both feel what the other is feeling so it is like a never-ending loop of pleasure.

Dray and I mostly spend the rest of the day in each other's arms, well more like celebrating over and over again but of course, going down to eat lunch and dinner. We finally fall asleep at about 2 am the next morning because we could not keep our hands to ourselves or wanting to stop the never-ending pleasure and sensation we felt from satisfying each other over and over and over again for hours upon hours of pleasure, happiness, love and adoration for each other.

I know it is short than usual but I am struggling with lack of inspiration and also from negative and painful emotions which make writing a happy love-filled scene harder to right because personal I am not feeling it. Please message or comment any ideas, questions or your feedback. I love hearing from you guys and I may even dedicate the next chapter to you. Thanks.

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