Chapter Eight

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We managed to break into Gringotts and were now currently on the back of a dragon, a Norwegian Ridgeback, no it is a Ukrainian Ironbelly, that is what Ron stated. We landed in a lake and Harry let Voldemort in his head again, I had a go at him but understood how hard it must be to keep someone out of your head.

So we apparated to Hogsmeade and set off a Caterwauling Charm, "They know we are here, they set up a charm or spell to let them know in case we apparatus in or walked in." Harry said as we started running to hide over the high-pitched screaming, I replied: "It is the caterwauling Charm it allows the user to know when someone unknown has trespassed or enter by a high-pitch screaming." We eventually hide behind some tables outside of the Hogshead, and someone who looks exactly like the late Albus Dumbledore beckons us into the pub.

"Did you see who it was?" Ron asked
"He looks exactly like..." Harry stated and we all said "Dumbledore." Ron confused by said "But it can't be he is dead. We saw him dead and in his grave at his funeral." I responded, "We know, Ron, but it could be a relative we didn't really know Dumbledore."

"What the blazes are you lot doing here? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" The lookalike asked.
"No sir, we didn't know that they had a charm down." I started to answer before Harry said "We have to get into Hogwarts and tonight" The stranger asked us, "Why what is so important?"
"I'm on a mission that Albus left me to do, to destroy the Dark Lord!"
"Are you have a death wished following that man's word. Did he ever speak about me or her?" He asked, "Your Aberforth and she is your sister isn't she, Ariana?" I asked curiously and trying to explain why he looked like a younger version of Albus Dumbledore. "Yes I am, Aberforth, and you Harry Potter is as big as a fool as my brother." Aberforth said, "He never spoke about me or Ariana or how he is responsible for her death did he. She was like you following around after a 'Great Man' who got in a fight with Grindelwald and me and Ariana paid for it with her life. She was a squib, you know, she couldn't have saved herself from the spell that was thrown her way by Grindelwald and she died becaused of it!"
"You may have issues with Albus but doesn't mean I will run and hide like you are doing. I am going to get into Hogwarts and I am going to fight and if I do, at least I died knowing I tried to put a stop to Tom's dark times and his dark reign, making a better life your the younger generations and present generations. You do what you want but I am going to fight." Harry said.
Aberforth looked at Ariana and said "You know what to do, " and she walks into the picture frame. As Aberforth walked away, I said "Thank you Mr Dumbledore" and see Harry and Ron staring at me, "When will would be dead without him, wouldn't we, boys!" As Ariana started to appear again she wasn't alone it was a...

...Neville Longbottom.

"Neville," Harry, Ron and I said extremely happy to see him but also shocked.
"We come on then we have people to see," Neville said as I ran towards him throwing him into a hug, "Oh, thank God, Neville. Thank Merlin you are safe."
"You look like shit mate." Ron said, Neville replied, "Thanks but Seamus looks worse."
"What happened?" Harry asked, "In Dark arts, the Carrows wanted me to use the torture curse on the First Year. I refused so they hit me with the torture curse."

He then started to explain how all the secret tunnels were sealed off at the start of the school year and now Luna, Ginny and him had started up the DA again and we're staying in the Room of Requirement.

"Hey, guys look what I brought," Neville said happily to the people in the ROR, Seamus replied "Better not be more of Aberforth's cooking. I don't think I could eat that anymore." After that Neville moved aside so I could enter with Harry and Ron right behind me. We were greeted immediately with cheers and claps. Neville said to let the order know that Harry, Ron and I were back. "Right, not that we aren't happy to see you, but what are you doing here?"  Seamus asked, Harry, replied "We are looking for something,"  We got asked what, "We don't know, but it has something to do with Ravenclaw. Any ideas?"
"Well, there is the lost diadem of Ravenclaw, anyone heard of it, it is quite famous?" Luna stated in a dream state, Cho replied: "Yes, Luna but it has been lost for Centuries." Ron asked "Sorry but can anyone explain what the hell is a diadem?"
"It's like a crown, a tiara" Cho replied.
All of a sudden the door opened and in came Blaise and as I ran to hug him then spotting Draco. I jumped hugged Blaise and he hugged back then we let go after he said: "Missed you baby sis, please tell me you stayed safe."
"Yes, Bay I stayed safe and I missed you too. Also..." I started then hit him on the head as I said "...I am not little and I am no baby. I am just 3 Minutes younger than you, twin so behave yourself." I then hug Draco and he whispered: "Missed you my mate, Please tell me after this you will never leave me again." Sounding heartbreaking "I promise Draco, no one in the universe could make me ever leave you. I missed you too, mate. Love you, Draco." However apparently I was not whispering anymore and everyone was confused at, why I hugged two Slytherins, why I snapped at Blaise calling him my twin and why I promised and stated that I loved Draco.

"I have some explaining to do, don't I?"
"You think" Seamus replied sarcastically.
"Ok short version, Blaise is my twin brother, I was given for adoption for my safety after a prophecy taht stated how I am important for Harry to complete his prophecy. I am also a Veela and..." I looked at Bay and Dray checking could share this information, with a nod from both boys I could continue " is Bay and Draco. Also, Draco is my Veela mate as I am his. I am a Zabini, not a Granger and I am a Pureblood, not a Muggle-born."
"So you lied to us?" Cho said
"No, I didn't know until after we had escaped from Bellatrix Lestrange at Malfoy Manor and Draco and Bay came round to explain to me why I felt the way I did towards Draco as it had never happened before. Oh, and before you jump down Draco or Blaise throats, Draco didn't know until that morning and Blaise found out after we disappeared but no one knew why Harry, Ron and I disappeared or where we were, so he couldn't tell me."

Next thing, there is a loud crash as Ginny walked it she spotted me and smiled then spotted Harry and just started. "What am I chopped liver, " Ron said I walked over and hit him, "No but best friends before brothers, I left my brother for my best mates." Ginny spotted Bay and blushed looking away from him. "Ginny, what is it?" Neville asked with a worried tone, Ginny replied looking worked "He knows, Snape, he knows Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade."

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