Chapter Thirty Nine

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I am planning to get your suggestions next chapter because I like to be prepared and it is mainly future planning and you will get a dedication.
Dray and I woke up later than we did yesterday, so we quickly rushed to get showered and dressed separately to not end up missing breakfast. I checked to see if the others were still in the dorm while Dray was getting dressed. However, I soon found out they weren't so I waited for Dray, which only took a minute, to appear and walk down to the Great Hall with him. We quickly ate breakfast at our house tables and headed off to lessons.

The day just seemed to zoom by with little to no homework from any classes other than to read the chapters for the next lesson in Transfig but that would take no time at all. Everything seemed to just be well better than every.

However, I think I thought that too soon as by dinner time, I walked in the Great Hall and everyone was looking at me whispering as I headed over to Ginny and Neville. I sat down trying to hide from all the peering eyes as Seamus asked is what the paper was saying about me was true.

I felt my eyes widened in confusion as I asked him, "What exactly did the paper say?"
He quickly replied by showing me the front cover of the Daily Prophet. My eyes widened with shock at the statement about me being pregnant was on the front cover of every newspaper as well as the fact I was apparently already Married to Draco.

Ginny could see how shocked I was as she quickly grabbed me as I almost passed out. I saw Draco and Blaise quickly walk over to us as she did. Dray and I both knew I was not pregnant as well as Blaise due to our enhanced senses.

I quickly skimmed through the paper to try and find out who told the Vile Woman, Rita Skeeter, about Draco and I, however, it only said a Hogwart's Student and apparently, Draco and I both refused to comment however I never saw or talked to the Vile woman.

I knew Dray didn't either, however, I noticed the whispering intensified as Dray and Blaise arrived at my side. I could see Blaise, Dray, Harry and even Neville getting pissed off at the whispering, but they were glued to their seats trying to stay calm. I vigorously walked over to McGonagall and asked her, "Can I speak to the Hall please, Professor? As I am guessing you have seen the Prophet, but I would like to put the truth out there." She nodded her head.

I walked slightly away from the table just as McGonagall asked everyone to be quiet. Everyone's eyes snapped to McGonagall and landed on me. I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves and uneasy at everyone staring at me especially my stomach trying to see if it is true.

"Good evening everyone. I know you have all seen what was written in the Daily Prophet however I want to inform you first hand that... I am neither Pregnant or even married, but Draco and I are engaged. I don't know who told Rita Skeeter this information but it is neither true or correct it is not anyone business to say these things. Whoever did this if your plan was to hurt or make a fool out of me it has neither worked or was every effective. I hope that you will be kind to others even if they are a different house, look at my friends we are friends with Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students. Have a good evening everyone, and may we know kindness to others even if they wrong us because we never know what is happening in their lives." I said confidently with honesty lacing my voice.

I heard clapping as I walked off the stage and towards my friends and seat. Ginny, Blaise, Harry, Neville, Luna, Seamus, Dean and Dray were clapping as well as all the teachers.

After dinner and that bravery stunt, I felt very exhausted so Dray and I headed up to the head's dorm. I quickly wrote a letter to Witch Weekly and the Daily Prophet if I could actually give a statement instead of second-hand information.

Draco decided we both needed stress relief and started to worship each other's bodies after silencing the room. We fell asleep in each other's arms at curfew to be back in dorms.

Blaise POV
I headed into dinner seeing people whispering and glancing at the door however shook it off and sat down. Draco soon arrived and got glances off of everyone. It wasn't until Mia arrived until everyone else's eyes were watching her I knew draco could feel her discomfort as she walked to sit with Gin. Draco and I shared a confused look with each other as we tried to understand what the hell was happening.

I could feel Ginny's shock as I saw Draco felt Mia's and then I got a mental message from Ginny to get there quick, with Draco. We rushed over as I see Ginny prevent Mia from passing out. Draco and I sit down concerned, however, that just seemed to make the whispering increase. I as well as the other boys who care for Mia, started to get pissed at the whispering as it was really making Mia uncomfortable and uneasy. We didn't notice Mia had got up and talked to Minerva until she asked for quiet. Everyone's eyes seemed to snap towards the front and I saw Mia standing there. She took a deep breath in and began to talk to everyone in the Great Hall.

After Mia said her speech with honesty lacing her voice and such confidence Gin, Draco, Harry, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Luna, myself and the teachers began to clap because it is nerve-racking to stand up in front of everyone to speak and she did it no problem. After Dinner Mia and Draco headed up to the dorm as Gin and I took a leisurely stroll around the black lake until Curfew where we headed to the dorm and silenced the room to declare our love for each other until early hours if the next morning.

Hope you like the change of POV. I wanted to do someone else opinion instead of Draco's point of view all the time. Thanks for reading, please comment any questions, ideas or views as I love hearing from you guys as this is for you the readers.

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