Chapter Eighteen

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"The location of the Elder wand is....." Pausing for Blaise to hopefully get my message as well as telling Draco to prepare to get Mr Wealsey safely "in the bottom of a Ravine. Snapped in half, broken forever. No way to repair it so no way you can bring back that half-blood you call your Dark Lord!" I say smarmy to Lucius. As he goes to step forward raving about how I am lying, Blaise tackles Alecto freeing Ginny who is immediately pulled into Blaise's arms safely behind me while Draco tackles the death eater who is holding down an unconscious Mr Weasley pulling him safely behind me.

"Ok stop it I am not lying. Harry at the end of the war snapped it in half because the wand was too powerful for just one wizard to have. Power is foolishness, what makes people stronger is having something to fight for: love, hope, family or even for a better future. I know Voldemort told you what you were doing was for the best but what would happen when an illness can't be solved with magic. Muggles in your eyes may be pointless but they can help us make the world a better place whether or not we are known about. Voldemort took his hate of being abandoned by his father and turned it onto all muggles but his mothers use of a love potion made Voldemort was incapable of love, he could never feel love for anyone and that hurt him more than he could ever know. Now you have two options leave and never EVER attempt what you tried to do today again or be stunned and go to Azkaban for the rest of your life!"

After that, they apparated away. "Well let's hope we never see them again!" I said sarcastically as I turned around to face the Weasley's, Harry,  my brother and Draco. "Thanks for that Mione. They turned up, just as I was finished packing Teddy's stuff to head to yours. Luckily Teddy was upstairs in the bedroom and they didn't hear him how everyone else's downstairs when they arrived. Also how did you know Blaise was able to do that?" Harry said looking sheepishly to the ground as he spoke. "I saw Bay move when Lucius threatened to hurt Ginny. I also know Blaise and his Veela would never ever let anything happen or harm Ginny as I wouldn't let Draco get harmed by anything and vise versa. Also that's fine, Harry I had a feeling something was wrong and Draco..." I said turning towards him with a big smug smile on my face, "...I was right!" Everyone but Draco laughed at my comment I heard a mutter from Ron, "When isn't Hermione right!"
"Thanks for your comment Ron, you are right when am I not right!"

After double-checking everyone was ok Draco, Teddy and I floo'd back to Zabini manor with Teddy's stuff for him to say for four days. "So Teddy this is where you will be staying when you are with me," I said to the month old baby. He looked around and then yawned, so I said: "How about a nap after all that excitement this morning huh Teddy?" In a cute baby voice. Heading upstairs towards my bedroom I see that my mother has set up a nursery for when Teddy is around the next door along from my room. I gasped as I entered the room. I was meet with a cream painted room, a white crib, rocking chair (instead of the white chair in the photo), changing table/chester draws and a bookshelf with a couple of baby books.

 I was meet with a cream painted room,  a white crib, rocking chair (instead of the white chair in the photo), changing table/chester draws and a bookshelf with a couple of baby books

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"Draco remind me when I next see my mother to thank her," I said finally letting go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. I set down the bag I was holding and placed Teddy on the changing table. Looking through the bags I grab the diapers, baby wipes, a pair of pj's, baby formula and a baby bottle. "Draco can you do me a favour and make up a baby bottle for me using this," I said handing him the bottle and formula. Nodding he rushed downstairs as I began to change Teddy's diaper and clothes. When he was all clean and ready for a bottle then a nap I headed downstairs to the kitchen and I was met with my Mama helping Draco make up a baby bottle for Teddy.

"Mama thank you for setting up a nursery for Teddy. It is so beautiful." I said with honesty flowing through my voice. "It was no problem funny as it was originally your brother and yours, when you were with me. I just adjusted some furniture around." She said turning around. She gasped and started walking towards me. "So this is the young man I have heard so much about!" she said taking Teddy from my arms and tickling his belly.

I helped Draco finish of making the bottle then told Mama what exciting morning Teddy had with sarcasm laced through my voice. She went to ask what happened and I said I would tell her later taking Teddy from my Mama I headed back upstairs towards the nursery, sat in the rocking chair giving Teddy his bottle and rocked back and forward until he fell asleep then gently laid him in his crib, trying not to wake him.

Hope you enjoyed it. So a wonderful twist, please comment or message me as it means a lot to me. Thanks.

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