Chapter Twelve

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Trigger warning

There is a topic in this that could upset some people. Read at your own discretion. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I can summaries for those who doesn't read this chapter in the next update as you are not really missing anything. Read up to (~~~~~~~~~)


Hermione's POV

I can't believe he is actually gone. Voldemort is dead. 



Dead. This means no more threats or darkness trying to take over or evil people with no heart or no soul, or very little soul, trying to rule the wizarding world.

After his demise some off the death eaters apparatus but those who were unconscious or stunned or wandless couldn't so we're sent to Askaban. I ran at Harry and hugged him with Gin. Then Gin and I broke the hug and started to hit him with our hands telling him that it was a stupid and reckless idea to give himself up and that we were worried sick about him. As well as threatening him to not do that ever again. NEVER again.

He finally said he understood and Gin and I stop our assault of hits on him and hugged him again. We walked over to Draco and Bay and Harry thank them for keeping us girls safe, as he viewed us and the rest of the Weasleys like siblings. We checked on Arthur, Molly, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fleur, George and Ronald. They were hurt by Fred's death but they were still alive with minor cuts and bumps. Narcissa had a couple of cuts, onces the Black secret got out she changed sides to help Harry as he had saved his life. Bay, Ginny and Draco had a few cuts and bruises but our Veelas will help us heal and help heal Ginny as she is mates with a Veela however will only heal slightly fast than the other as they have not bonded to become one neither has Draco and I.

We all leave back to the Burrow with the Weasleys and Harry. We had dinner and then Bay invited Draco, Ginny and I back to Zabini Manor, Blaise did check with Molly and Arthur, of course, Ron tried to talk to me however I just blanked him every time. Molly asked me what was wrong as I hadn't even looked nor acknowledged my 'best friend' as I normally do.

"Molly, I am not ignoring my best friend. I am ignoring someone who broke my trust and lost his friendship because he is pigheaded, arrogant and as*hole." I said.
"How did Ron loses your friendship?" Ginny asked sending daggers towards Ron. "Maybe we should just leave this conversation as it is between Hermione and Ron. It is not our business" Fleur said gently trying to stop this conversation, worrying about how it might go down or Ron and I might act. "It's fine Fleur they should know, I shouldn't have kept it a secret but I was worried that they might see me differently and I still am."
"Nothing could change our view of you, Mione." George replied honestly. "Ron and I got into a fight because I was a Zabini, a Veela and Draco's mate. He blurted out a secret, I had trusted him to keep, but that was a mistake obviously."


"What secret?" Ginny asked curiously, slightly hurt as I always tell her everything but also concerned that I might flip out on someone to something. Draco cautiously wrapped his hands around my waist to keep my Veela and I calm. "That I was almost sexually assaulted..." when I was cut off by George, "Almost how were you almost sexual assaulted and by who?"
"Ronald stopped him before he could do any damage and by Victor Krum after the Yule Ball in my Fourth Year." I spat out Ronald's and Victor's names like they were poison to me and started sinking into Draco.
"But you were fourteen and he was seventeen. You were still a child. How could he even?" George shouted.
"Oh, my Merlin what! That is so not right!" Molly responded, "He should know better, he was Seventeen for Merlin's sakes" Arthur replied outraged. "That is why you came to bed crying and shaking wasn't it? That is why you started to study in our dorm, never really leaving for anything but lessons and shutting yourself off from everyone? That's why you were so happy when he left and frozen when he was near you wasn't it?" Ginny replied hitting the nail on the head with each question she asked. I numbly nodded my head to each of her questions crying into Draco's chest as the memories started to replay in my head, what seemed to be on a loop.

All you could hear was muffled sobs from me. Suddenly Ginny started to shout at Ronald. "You a*shole she trusted you with this and you broke it. You hurt her and you still are not trying to apologise for hurting her. You don't understand how much that must if hurt to be sexually assaulted or have it attempted. Do you Ronald? She trusted you and you destroyed that how could you be so arrogant, pigheaded and an a*shole to do that to your best friend." She said all while crying at how horrible her brother truly is. Or so everyone else thought. I watched her have a go at Ron and as she broke do at the end I walked over to her and asked "Who, Ginny?"
She looked at me and higher me for dear life while sobbing hard. "Why is Ginny crying and why are you asking who, Hermione?" Charlie asked seriously concerned for his youngest
Sibling. I asked again, "Who, Ginny. I know that look you have in your eyes. Who?" I said struggling not to break down myself at her, this strong independent woman crying her heart out. "The Carrows let the Slytherin's be extra cruel to the Gryffindor's and more so to the DA members caught."
"What happened, Ginny?"
"I got caught outside of curfew and was a known member of the DA. I got detention however this detention took place in the dungeons and only the Carrows and a Slytherin were present. The Carrows said, he could do anything he wanted to do to punish me and to make me break. That was there plan to break the students to turn then on their parents the perfect soldiers, of course, the younger students it was easier but the older student and DA members it was more tricky to do. He first whipped me, then he decided that wasn't enough to break me so decided to... To... To..." She ended up breaking down crying so hard at the memories I knew what he did to her. I could see by Bay and Draco's faces they have figured it out and some of the Weasleys and Harry not far behind in figuring it out. I whispered to Gin crying myself, "It is ok, it won't change the way anyone looks at you and won't change how my brother feels for you, ever Gin. You shouldn't have had to keep this a secret but I know exactly why you did for the same reasons I did but you don't have to suffer alone. Never will you be alone because you will always have me, Gin. You are like the little sister I always wanted, Gin." Bay walked over to us and hugged Ginny, "Ginny, Mia is right this doesn't change how I think of you. It just shows me exactly how strong of a woman you are. I still love you, Ginny and you can always come to me. Nothing could EVER change the way I could look or think of you."
"Ginny, why didn't you tell us about it, baby?" Molly asked crying for her baby who is hurt. "Because I have to be the perfect sibling, perfect daughter, the strong child, the independent firecracker who is never hurt by anything or anyone. The one who always is able to put my brothers in line, able to scare my brothers with my charms and spells," Ginny replied how she honestly thought. "Ginny, I am absolutely sure that one brother and I have already talked to you that you don't have to be perfect or always strong or independent and your brothers will always be scared of you because your spell casting is better than them all. Also, you are on scary woman when mad or pissed off Gin. Trust me and your brother, no one will ever stop being afraid of you not even the person who hurt you. Also, who was it?" I told her as Fred and I had already had this talk with her and she needed to be reminded of it. "Which brother has that conversation with her?" Bill asked I replied, "Fred did, Ginny though she was not worth anything after dating Michel as he planted it in her head."
Ginny said, "Thanks Mione, I needed to be reminded of that. Also, Notts did."
"What did Notts do Ginny?" Bay asked irritated. "Bay, calm down, " I stated as Ginny started to sob into me again, I placed an anti-apparating spell on the room and locked all doors and windows so the boys couldn't go and beat the crap out of him, "Notts was the one who..." I take a deep break trying to calm myself so I don't cry, "sexually assaulted her."
"What!!!" All the boys and Molly shouted outraged as Ginny curled into me more sobbing harder, as the boys all threatened to murder or beat him to a pulp or to castrated him. "STOP IT NOW! BOYS, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT THIS TALK IS HURTING GINNY MORE THAN YOU ARE NOTICING! GOD, NOW CAN YOU SEE WHY GINNY OR I NEVER TOLD YOU WHAT HAPPENED TO US. GOD, IT IS LIKE YOU ALL HAVE TWO BRAIN CELLS YOU RUB TOGETHER." I shouted at everyone pissed off at their reaction, not taking notice of the crying shaking Ginny in my arms. "GINNY DOESN'T NEED TO LOSE ANYMORE BROTHER OR PEOPLE SHE SEE AS BROTHERS!" I shouted that at her brothers and harry "OR HER FATHER" at Arthur "OR HER FRIEND" towards Draco "OR HER MATE." I said towards Blaise.

After a while, we left at Zabini Manor. Draco asked Bay if he can lead us to a room so I could sleep as it had been an exhaustion day and I haven't had a proper night sleep in 9 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days. Also fighting for your life can really take a lot of energy out of you as well as crying can.

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