Chapter Nine

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'Snape knows' that is when the panic seems to begin. Snape calls an assembly and Ron has to get the order in through the secret tunnel in the ROR.

I accompany Harry, Ginny, Neville, Blaise, Draco and the others down to the Great Hall like Harry in school robes. Getting lost in the crowds made it easier to standing in Snape's presence without making your presence known or without punching him. He orders that anyone with information on Harry step forward.

Harry walks out after much protest from Ginny and me as we cannot see a person we class as a brother hurt or killed in front of us.

Harry started speaking calmly, getting more agitated as he went, "It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, " I stepped forward as the rest of the order stepped into the Great Hall " still have a security problem, Headmaster. I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night? Tell them how you looked him in the eye... A man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them!" Snape drew his wand and McGonagall walked forwards pulling Harry slightly behind her with her wand drawn. I walked slowly towards Harry as he watched duel breaking out in front of him.

Snape flees through the window behind where the teacher's table would be leaving the unconscious Carrow siblings. After a short celebration broken by screams of students, Voldermort's voice breaks into the minds of everyone, demanding that we hand Harry over. The Slytherins get sent to the dungeons minus Draco and Blaise.

"I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter. What is it you need?"Professor McGonagall asked.

"Time, Professor. As much as you can get me." Harry replied.

That is when the teacher and Molly start putting up the protective barrier, 'Protego Maxima, Fianto Duri, Repello Inimigotum, Protego Maxima, Fianto Duri, Repello Inimigotum' Neville, Ginny, Seamus and a couple of other set out to blow up the bridge to Hogsmeade, Remus, Arthur, Kingsley, Fred and George as well as a few other man the Astronomy Tower and roofline. Blaise and Ron get out the children who are under the age of 17 except for Ginny and Luna. Draco and I head down to the Chamber of Secrets to destroy the Hufflepuff Cup and get a Basilisk fang to destroy the snake and the Diadem.

We take a Basilisk fang, stabbing the Hufflepuff cup and a wall of water flies towards us and I hide into Draco, not knowing if we could survive the wall of water, as you can't see how thick the wall was, however as it just crashes down on top of us. Draco grabs me and kisses me gently but I could feel the primal need and want of his Veela.

After that, we walk out with two Basilisk fangs just in case. Looking on the Marauders map, we see Harry then he disappears, we also spot our friends names as we searched for Harry's. "Didn't you mention that the ROR is unplottable and never shows up on the map, so his name disappearing means he has gone to the ROR?" Draco asked I answered confused as I have never spoken to Draco about that, "Yeah I did."
"Oh, I overheard one of your conversations with Ron, Fred, George, Harry and Ginny" he replied sheepishly. "You cheeky ass, that is what you are Mr Malfoy." I stated shocked.

We headed towards the ROR and found Harry. Draco and I gave Harry a hand looking for the diadem, all of a second Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson turns up with their wands drawn stopping us from picking up the diadem just behind us.

"Draco, what are you doing with Potter and the Mudblood?" Parkinson asked irritated. "I am doing what is right, Pansy and you nor Goyle or Crabbe are stopping me. Call her that again and you will have your worst nightmare come to life." Draco fired back, "Oh, and what nightmare would that be Draco?" Pansy chuckled, "At least I am not going to be killed for being a traitor."
"Your worst nightmare would be an angry Veela after you, for trying to harm or insulting their mate," Draco shouted at her clearly pissed off.
"You're a Veela, Draco?" Pansy said shocked. "Yeah, and you keep insulting someone who you do not know and you will have to deal with me." Draco replied. At that moment, Bay entered "What is going on here, Pansy?" Blaise asked, "Did you know that Draco is a Veela and that the Mudblood is his Veela mate." Pansy asked. "Yes I did, also you should know Hermione isn't a Mudblood, she is a pureblood. Hermione isn't a Granger but Hermione Zabini, my twin sister who was gaven up for her protection and by the look of Draco clearly, you were insulting her or tried to harm her. Trust me no one wants an angry Veela after them just asked the Professors what can happen!"

Next thing I know, Crabbe and Goyle are shooting spells towards us and Draco's Veela comes out protectively and chases after them with Blaise. I see Harry reaching for the diadem which has been flung by a spell up onto a pile of chairs, tables and other rubbish.

We see Draco and Blaise come running towards us, Dray grabs me throwing me over his shoulder as Bay grabs Harry dragging him and starts running towards the entrance of the ROR. "Bay, Dray, what is going on?" I asked concerned. "Crabbe started a dark spell which isn't stopping and we are getting out off here." Unfortunately, we get stuck between walls of fire until Harry falls into brooms. "Quick grab a broom" Harry said throwing one to Bay. I end up on the back of Bay's broom hugging the dear life out of him, as I hate flying on brooms. We see Pansy and Goyle stuck on a table which isn't stable however Draco and Harry tries to grab them. After a few attempts, we are flying towards the door of the ROR. Harry rolls to the floor and drops the diadem as I throw him a Basilisk fang, stabbing it and Draco kicks it into the fire filled ROR.

Sorry for not updating more this week but I have been on NSC, and hot had great signal or spare time to write them. Sorry. Next week might be the same or similar low updated but I will try my hardest to update more for you.

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