Chapter Four

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Draco POV
I managed to get a message to Dumbledore and he sent Dobby to free Luna, Ollivander, Dean, Harry and Ron from the cellar and save Hermione and Griphook. I, however, know someone ended up being stabbed with a knife that my Aunt Bella threw. I don't know who got stabbed but I pray it isn't Ron or Harry and I know it isn't Hermione or I would have felt it or I would know as she's my mate. Bill Weasley told me they are safe and that they think that found another Horcrux and they've already destroyed another one last three destroyed, four left. Diary, Ring and Locket. I purposely let Harry take my wand off me. I felt like it may be important for the future not sure why though.

When I arrived back at school however I told Blaise, I saw his sister. "Blaise, Blaise, Blaise," I say running up to him. "What Draco?!" He said irritated, " I saw your sister she is fine except for a small run in with my Aunt Bella but other than that she is fine." I say quickly, as I am nervous for how he will react to his being my mate. He said worried "She had a run in with Bellatrix! What happened? Why are you nervous?" I look at the ground not wanting to meet his eyes, " I am nervous on how you will handle what I am just about to tell you. I became a Veela like you mama said I might and I found my mate." Blaise looks at me, first shock, then happiness and asked: "Who is your mate?"
"Bay, Hermione is my mate." While still not remain eye contact with him.
He said happily " Congrats mate on finding your mate and good luck with Hermione as she is a spitfire when she's mad!" He started the last bit chuckling to himself. I stare at him with my jaw dropped as there were no threats, joke comments about me lying or punches of an overprotective brother. "What," he asked while noticing me staring, "I didn't expect that response from you Bay, at all," I said still in shock. "What did you expect an overprotective brother to appear and threaten you, punch you or say haha good joke?" He asked, I truthfully responded, "Yeah actually I did."
"Well I know you won't hurt her as it would literally kill you as you complete each other, you are one person when you 'mate' with her," he said truthfully in response, doing quote signs when he said, mate.

Hermione POV
We escaped with help from Dobby, I saw Harry and Draco fight over Draco's wand however I am 100% sure Draco lost on purpose. But we have just buried Dobby without magic as he got stabbed with Bellatrix's knife. I am slightly traumatized by Bella's attack of me, afraid she will attack me again and confused to why I miss Draco and don't feel safe in Ron's arms anymore or even feel like I like him anymore??

Harry said to Fleur, "How is he?" Fleur replies, "Weak, he needs rest." Harry responded with "I need to ask him a question, " Bill suggested "How about we all rest and the ask him tomorrow as he is weak." I get lost in my thoughts of how Draco, Slytherin prince, egotistical asshole, looking at me with adoration. The feeling of safety and protected in his presence while standing in front of the notorious, psychotic Death eater Bellatrix Lestrange. I start to remember what she did and then felt sick, dirty and faint. "Hermione, Hermione" Fleur said concerned trying to get my attention. "Hermione" Bill said gently touching my shoulder, I flinched at the sudden touch stuck reliving the moment with Bellatrix, subconsciously I started screaming out loud. Harry, Ron, Bill and Fleur all look confused and worried as I scream whereas Luna comes in after hearing me screaming and gently hugs me pulling me to the ground, Luna whispers in my ear "Hermione, it's okay. Your safe, Bellatrix isn't here. Snap out of it, it isn't real, it just a memory, please. Hermione, you are causing Harry and Ron worry and Bill and Fleur are confused and seriously concerned. Please come back to us, you are safe she can't reach you, Hun. Mione, you are salvum cum amicis." I come out at the Latin phrase, also start crying at the memory and from feeling bad for making Harry, Ron, Bill and Fleur worry about me. "I am so sorry for making you worry, " I say while still sobbing, Harry walks over and hugs me and said, "It doesn't matter, it the only thing that matters is that you are ok, Mione you means so much to me, like the little sister I never had." I laugh at that and stated, "You do realise that I am older than you Harry."
"So what?" Harry said chuckling at my response. "Hermione, may I talk with you?" Fleur asked carefully, "Sure Fleur and please don't treat me as if I am going to break, that won't help me much," I said to everyone in general, "oh, Luna thank you for helping me out of that memory. I couldn't have got out without your help."
"You are most welcome, Mione," she said in a dream like manner.

I follow Fleur into the kitchen, "Do you want to talk about it, Hermione, it could help you." She said motherly, I answered, "Yes please Fleur, as long as it is not an issue."
"It isn't Hermione, you are like a little sister to the Weasley boys and to me as well." She started truthfully. "Thanks, well I am confused and hurting as of right now but I think I will be able to get through it," I said, she asked, "What happened with Bellatrix, as the boys don't know it, she to have really affected you?"
"I got distracted by Draco staring at me and she hit me with a Crucio, and Draco sent her flying. With wings protruding from his back, he looks angel-like with his gold eyes. But I felt cold, alone, unprotected and unloved when he was dragged from the room, it confuses me. Then Bellatrix carved mudblood in my arm as she didn't believe me when I said I haven't taken anything from her vault at Gringotts." I tell her while a tear slips from my eye, "Then Harry and Ron show themselves and Bellatrix holds a knife to my throat dragging me off the floor as Harry and Ron duel Draco and Narcissa as Lucius had been knocked unconscious. I still don't know how or why I felt like that when I looked into Draco's eyes and he seemed to feel the same." I said. Fleur asked, "Can you explain to me exactly how you felt when you looked at Draco and what his face told you?"
"Sure, " I said answering her question "I felt safe, protected, loved, whole, complete and not alone. Draco's face at first showed happiness then confusion and finally, adoration I think but why would he had looked at me with adoration that is what confuses me as to why I feel this way." Fleur smiled and asked calmly, "Hermione is it possible that you are a Veela or maybe Draco is, wait... Draco as in Draco Malfoy?" I nodded my head, Fleur said "Draco is a Veela, Merlin." 

I say confused "Wait, what. Fleur, please explain."
"I will or Draco will. Bill call Draco, please" she said shouting the last bit. "Wait why are you calling Draco he is with Him, isn't he?" I asked confused, "No he is a spy, he doesn't want to be a pawn any longer in His games!" Fleur said with honesty. "He is on his way, apparently with a Zabini as they both need to explain this to her, Darling" Bill stated while walking into the room with Ron and Harry trailing looking conflicted. "I guess you boys know or overheard parts of our conversation?" Fleur said, "Yeah we did, we didn't mean to... but we did overhear it," Bill said looking apologetic. "It's fine Bill I would of have to tell them sooner or later. You don't hate me, do you, boys?" I asked Harry and Ron while not making eye contact finding my feet a good item to stare at. "We could never hate you, even though you might be ma-" Harry started to say when Fleur hit him on the back of the head. I looked confused as my eyes flicked across each of them.
Will someone be able to explain how Hermione feels?
What do the boys know that Mione doesn't?

'salvum cum amicis'-safe with your friends
The picture is of Draco and Hermione in Veela Forms however not the wedding dress but I sure you understand what I mean.

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