Chapter 4

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That evening, Kongpob's father called him. Kongpob took the call with hesitance. Fearful of what his father may say about his relationship with Arthit. But he knew he couldn't avoid it. It's time to face the music, to face his parents for his only light that brightens his days, his sun. Kongpob prepared himself for the worst, and hoped for the best.

Took a deep breath, "Hello por."

Kerklai could hear the anxiousness in his son's voice, a slight tremble. He can already imagine Kong on the other side biting his lips. Kerklai sighs, and ready himself to say something that he hope is the right thing for his only son. "Kongpob, how are you son? Have you been taking care of yourself? I saw you today, and you looked terrible, like you haven't slept for days. No one would ever guess that girls used to climb our fences just to steal a peek at you." Kerklai teased his son in hopes of lighten the mood.

Kongpob was a little confused, when did his father see him? Kerklai quickly filled the silence by saying that he visited Ocean Electrics earlier in the day and saw Kongpob in the production department working. "Kongpob, I want you to know that I am proud of you. You are our pride and joy. As long as you believe in everything you do wholeheartedly, your mom and I will always support you. This is not to say it's going to be easy. We all have to face consequences and responsibilities for our choices and actions regardless if it's fair or not. You may think it's only about you and Arthit's choice, and it's nobody else's business, but I will let you know that such thinking is naive. There are going to be challenges along the way, whispers, gossips, and hurtful people that don't understand. You must ask yourself, are you ready to fight for this love? I have met with Arthit, don't worry, I didn't mention that I knew you two are together. When I asked about you, Arthit spoke very highly of you. I wanted to see if he sees my son the way I see my son."

Kong can hear his father's voice trembling like he is holding back tears. Kerklai continues, "son, I will protect you and anyone you love with my last breath, but you must know that it's a hard path that you are on."

Kerklai means every word he said. He would protect all those he love with everything he has. He came to this world with nothing, and he's not afraid to leave it with nothing either as long as his loved ones can live happily. Kongpob, was now quietly sobbing. Touched by his parents love and acceptance, yet acknowledged what his father just spoke was the truth. Not everyone will accept and respect their love, but he was certain that their love was true. He was willing to walk to the end of the Earth as long as he can walk alongside of his sun, his P'Arthit.

So, without any reserve, he said, "yes por, I am ready for any obstacles that come our way. Thank you and mom for loving and accepting us. I will strive to continue to make you proud." After Kongpob and his father hung up, he walked to the balcony and looked up to the bright moon, and wondered what his P' was doing right at that moment. Little did he know that at the very same moment, his P' was also looking at the moon thinking about him.

The next day everyone at the company was finally relieved that their crisis was adverted. Siam Polymer was able to help Ocean Electrics pull through and meet their deadline. Only then did people remember the company gathering event that took place a month ago. P'Durian quickly uploaded all the pictures from the event in the company group chat so everyone would quit bothering her about loading the pictures. Only after a while when people were gasping and whispering did she remember that there were pictures that she should have deleted before posting.

Those pictures were of none other than an intimate moment between Arthit and Kongpob sharing a kiss on the beach under the moonlight in front of the ocean. Now, it was too late. People have already seen those pictures, and some have already shared them too. It was like wild fire, the whispers spread across the company about the handsome and rich intern has a man lover that works at their company. Some people knew Arthit, some didn't, but they all knew Kongpob as he rotated throughout the company as an intern. Arthit didn't know what to do. He felt everyone was looking at him, and whispering about him. He didn't want Kongpob to have to feel this way either, so he felt that staying away from Kongpob wouldn't give people as much to talk about. And in all honesty, he was also afraid of being judged by others. He didn't want the attention.

After those photos were leaked, Arthit avoided Kongpob, and that hurted Kongpob beyond words. Kongpob felt that Arthit was so ashamed of their relationship that he would rather pretend that it never happened, and he didn't know him. So, Kongpob sumed it up that Arthit wouldn't even need to know that his parents already knew about them. When Kongpob caught up with Arthit that night outside his apartment, he asked Arthit what was he to the him, his lover, his junior, or just an acquaintance. Arthit frozed for a second, and then pulled away leaving Kongpob outside while he went inside to cry alone.

That night they each cried in their own apartment. Each afraid of what the next day would be like. Neither of them found peaceful sleep, but the morning came to claim them anyway. Arthit checked his messages to see if he got anything from Kongpob. He half wanted one, and half afraid of receiving one as he still didn't know how he would respond. When he didn't find any messages from Kongpob, he felt a pang in his heart. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. With his head down, he dragged his feet out the door. As he closed the door, he noticed that there was nothing hanging from it. In the past, even when Kongpob and him fought, Kongpob would still buy breakfast for him as he woke up earlier, and he didn't want Arthit to skip breakfast because he was running late.

Arthit stood there for a moment, taking in the image of the empty door knob, and took a deep breath telling himself to hold it together. The rest of the day went by slowly, making Arthit absorb every single minute of his misery. He kept typing errors, and making mistakes. He spilled coffee on himself 10 minutes into his day. Dropped his lunch tray, spilled all his noodles on the ground. But it's okay, he had no appetite anyway. His co-workers were worried about him. Tod gave him a granola bar, and told him that even moping requires energy.

As Arthit started to eat the granola bar, Tod started to say, "Mr. Sun, I hate to see you not being yourself. At the end of the day, you should only care about those you love, because they are the only ones who matter." Arthit nodded, and thanked Tod for the snack and pep talk. However, what Tod didn't know beyond those pictures was also Arthit's dilemma about Kongpob's family and future. Arthit felt the odds were stacked against them.

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