Chapter 20

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Arthit sang the song beautifully with so much emotion that everyone could feel his bleeding heart. Those who knew who the song was dedicated to instantly looked at the recipient for his reaction.

Kongpob felt all the gazes on him, and he finally turned his heels and left. He didn't know what was expected of him. He knows he still loves Arthit, but it was too overwhelming for him at the moment. Flashbacks of their past singing to each other made him scared. The days and nights they spent laying around in their dorm room making out and playing the guitar.

He really doesn't know if he is strong enough for this again. He has spent so much time convincing himself that he has recovered that he almost believed it. Up until this very moment, he was sure the scars were healing. But look what happened now, it's like when scabs come off too early, and the wound is raw again. Kongpob softly cries as he walks along the beach.

What he didn't know was he wasn't walking alone. He stood still for a second, and all the sudden a pair of arms wrapped around him. The scent of him instantly let Kongpob know who those arms belonged to. He didn't try to escape, and they stood there like that for a while. Kongpob finally turns around to face Arthit.

They both look into each other's teary eyes. To Arthit's surprise, Kongpob took a step forward and hugged him. Arthit holds him tightly, and buried his face between Kongpob's shoulder and nape. They were quiet, and Arthit was too scared to break the silence, afraid that Kongpob would suddenly disappear like he did many times in his dreams.

Kongpob finally speaks, "P', my heart is too weak. I'm not ready to trust you with my heart again."

"Let me prove it. Just give us a chance again."

Kongpob pulls away, keeping arms length from Arthit.

"P', let's get through Prem and Wad's engagement first. I have to think things through."

"Is it Shenyi? Are you worried about her?"

"No, it's me. I just need some time and space."

Kongpob let's go of Arthit. Arthit looks at him, and nods.

"Why don't you head back first? I want to be alone for a little bit."

Arthit takes a deep breath, "okay, I'll head back then."

Arthit heads back to his room instead. He laid there thinking about how things turned out. He followed Ruby's suggestion to sing his heart out, but it only seem to push Kongpob away.

He heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in, it's not locked."

Prem stepped in, and closed the door.

"Hey, how did it go? Where's Kongpob now?"
"Nothing really."

"Come on Arthit. Wad and I more or less put this together to give you guys this chance."

"What do you mean? Are you guys not getting engaged?"

"No no we are, but we were originally going to just tell you guys over drinks. Our parents offered to throw us a party, but we wanted things to be simple. But when we saw Kongpob come back with Shenyi, Wad and I decided to give you a last chance."

"I thought Wad doesn't like me."

"Like me, he just doesn't want to see his friend suffer. All these years how do you think I  know all that information about Kongpob. It's only because Wad wants to let you know. It surprised the heck out of us when he came back with a girlfriend. So we thought this would give you the opportunity to talk or whatnot. So what happened? We saw you walk out after him."

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