Chapter 27

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Laying on their sides spooning, Kongpob peppers Arthit's neck and shoulder with kisses. Having Arthit in his arms again gave him a sense of peace and tenderness. They cuddled silently catching their breath, both deep in thoughts.

"Kong, when we were apart, did you try to move on?"

"Kong, when we were apart, did you try to move on?"

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"Once I got on that plane for Beijing, I told myself that I would. I think physically and mentally I did too, but emotionally I was empty. Before Shenyi knew about us, a close friend of hers named Sujin confessed to me. I turned her down, and Shenyi was so mad at me for not even giving her friend a chance. So, I went on a date with her at the end. I convinced myself that maybe I would finally be able to move on.

We were together, but not really for about four months. I rarely even held her hands. We mostly met up at the library, or had awkwardly silent meals together. Then one day she asked me to meet her at our campus quad after class. When I got there, and walked up to her, she gently gave me a kiss. I didn't reciprocate, and just stared at her. I saw her eyes tear up, and then she just walked away. After that, I hated myself for hurting her when I knew I couldn't love her back. That's when I told Shenyi about us. And I told her that I left my heart with you."

"Was she pretty?" Arthit asked with a hint of jealousy.

"Hmm, she was pretty, but she wasn't you. And that was the problem. What about you?"

Kongpob peppers more soft kisses to Arthit's neck.

"You know, I went on quite a few dates that my mae had arranged for me while you were gone. I tried to move on for everyone's sake, but I just couldn't if it wasn't you. But I did make a few friends through the process. Some nights I would cry myself to sleep, and some days I would wake up in tears missing you."

Hugging Arthit tighter, Kongpob sighs.

"P', I waited for you to show up, and tell me that you still loved me everyday until I got on that plane."

"I almost did. I almost caved. But then I heard you were going to Beijing, so I didn't. I didn't want to disturb you, or ruin your future. Let me ask you now, would you still have gone if I had came to you?"

"Yes, I would. But I would have also missed you a lot, and came back for every break. I would have made you visit me, and take you around Beijing. Kissed you at the top of the Great Wall while snapping a picture of us."

"I would have like that." Arthit smiles to himself.

"We still can." Kongpob kisses Arthit's shoulder.

"I love you, Kongpob."

"I love you too, P'Arthit."

They fell asleep soon in each other's arms.

Time, places, and people can change, but not their love.


Arthit wakes up with Kongpob's arms around his waist still sleeping. He looks over to the clock on his nightstand, and it was almost 10 o'clock. He wanted to go take a shower since he felt sticky. He tried to lift Kongpob's arm off him gently so he doesn't wake the latter. But Kongpob instantly pulls him in closer.

"P'Arthit, where are you going?"

"Morning Kongpob. I just want to go take a shower. Guess what?"


"You missed the sunrise."

"No, I didn't. I'm holding it in my arms."

Kongpob kisses the back of Arthit's head. If Arthit could actually melt, he would be a puddle of mess already. He shyly untangles himself from Kongpob, and gets out of bed covering his junk with one hand, while he grabbed a towel and a pair of fresh boxers with the other. He walked awkwardly to the bathroom.

When Arthit was done showering, he came out to find Kongpob in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Arthit hugged Kongpob from behind, and peeked to see what he was making.

Kongpob smiled while he continued to mix the sauce he was making for the cucumber salad. When he was done, Arthit let him go and took the cucumber salad to the table. Kongpob had made tom yum soup and cooked some rice. He had reserved his own bowl aside before adding the extra chili peppers for Arthit's. Kongpob brought over the bowls of soup, and Arthit got the pot of rice.

Arthit looks at the food, and gives an approving nod. Looks like Kongpob's cooking has improved over the years. He had missed Kongpob's steamed eggs, but maybe he can ask him to make it next time. Kongpob looked at Arthit's expression, and smiled.

"P'Arthit, wait! Don't eat yet."

Arthit curiously watches as Kongpob turns back to the kitchen, comes back with a dish of steamed eggs. He places it right in front of Arthit.

"Kongpob, can you read minds? How did you know I wanted some eggs?"

"I don't know. I have been wanting to make it for you a long time now. Try it. See if I've improved over the years."

Arthit takes his spoon and scoops a spoonful. He gently puts it in his mouth, and makes a sour face. Kongpob looks at him anxiously and worried.

"Kongpob, what did you put in this?"

"What's wrong with it P'?"

Kongpob grabs his spoon and puts a spoonful in his own mouth. Then gives Arthit the deadpan look.

Arthit laughs instantly.

"Fooled you! It's very good Kongpob. Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it P'Arthit. I made it all the time in Beijing."

"Your cooking has improved a lot. The soup is very good too."

"Thanks. Well, it was just easier to cook sometimes than to go out. The closest decent Thai restaurant by campus was quite far."

Arthit is really enjoying this moment. He hasn't woken up this happy in a long time.

"Are you really going to move out?"

"I think so. I'm used to being on my own now. I love my parents, but I need my privacy too. You want to help me find a place? Somewhere close to you and work would be ideal."

"Yeah, we can take a look online later."

"Thanks P'Arthit."

Arthit thinks to himself, it would be nice to live together. They would get to share all their mornings like this. But it didn't seem like that idea even crossed Kongpob's mind.

Maybe he is not ready to live together yet.

AN: Sometimes, in order to move forward, we need to revisit the past. I want our boys to have no more doubts or secrets to keep them apart, because sometimes we are our own enemies. Thanks for sticking around. More to come.

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