Chapter 21

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Gradually everyone got up for breakfast, and then parted ways after congratulating the engaged couple for the last time. Kongpob left with an extra clingy Shenyi in tote. She wanted Kongpob to carry her bridal style to the car, and he obliged. Arthit watched them leave, and then saw Shenyi wink at him. The others only found Shenyi playful and cute, but Arthit found her the most annoying of all women at that moment.


That following Monday, as Kongpob opened the gate for his morning run

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That following Monday, as Kongpob opened the gate for his morning run. He was surprised to find Arthit standing there waiting for him. Although, he wasn't completely surprised, as he thought there might be a slight chance Arthit would come.

"P', you're here."

"Good morning Kongpob."

"Morning P'. How long have you been here?"

"I have been here before the sunrised. I thought you said you liked to watch the sunrise."

"Yes, I usually watch it from the roof terrace before my run. If I knew you were here, I would have asked you to watch it with me."

"Tomorrow then."

"You are coming again tomorrow? Will you make it in time for work?"

"Yes, my office is actually on the way. I can take a shower and change at our company gym."

"Well, you are always welcome to use our guest room."

"Let's get started."

"Right behind you P'."

For a few weeks, they spent time together watching the sunrise over coffee. And after their run, Kongpob would hand his P'Arthit a bottle of pink milk. Arthit really felt like he was making progress with Kongpob. Then one morning when the door opened, it wasn't Kongpob.

Arthit quickly waied at Khun Kerklai.

"Good morning Khun Kerklai."

"Good morning Arthit, just call me por since you are Kongpob's friend, and we are not working together. Come on in. Kongpob asked me to let you in, he's a bit busy at the moment."

"Khap por. Uhm, I can go and come back another day."

Arthit was so nervous. For the past three weeks, Kongpob's parents were in Chiang Mai taking Shenyi with them.

"Don't be silly. I've already got coffee prepared. We are going to miss it if we don't move quick."

"Oh, you know we watch the sunrise?"

"Who do you think keeps my son company in the mornings when you weren't here? Now come on."


Arthit was really surprised to hear that Kongpob's father watched the sunrise too. When he got to the roof terrace, Kongpob's mae and Shenyi was there too. What was with this family waking so freaking early. Arthit's got a 'get my man back' agenda, but what was this lot's reason?

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