Chapter 10

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Later that afternoon, Kongpob finally made his way downstairs. He found Thak in the study room straightening his por's desk. Thak turns around to greet his young master.

Thak: Good afternoon young master.

Kongpob wai to Thak. Even though Thak is a employee, he is still his elder. Many people of Kongpob's status would forgo this gesture, but Kongpob being the ever polite child believes in proper respect. Also, Thak has been with his family for over 30 years. He has practically raised Kongpob and his sisters.

Kongpob: Good afternoon Thak. I have a few questions for you. Did you bring me back last night? What time did I get back? Was I the only one there?

Thak had to process all the loaded questions.

Thak: Yes, young master. I brought you back, and changed you. It was around 2am last night. And of course you were the only one. You were the only one out so late.

You see, Thak is a simple man that does not read between the lines. He answered exactly the way questions were asked. He was the one to bring Kongpob in the house, and changed him. Kongpob came back around 2am because that's when Kongpob's por was done in the study room last night. Also, Kongpob was the only one that came in, so in his mind, he had answered all his young master's questions.

Kongpob was dumbfounded. Why does it not feel right? Something is off, but he doesn't know what. He opened his group chat, and saw Wad asking if everyone got back all right.

Group chat:
Wad: Everyone alive 😈?

Oak: Good 🤓

Tew: Good?!? You puked all over me. I had to take my shirt off in the taxi. The driver even made me throw it out before driving us back. 😡

Oak: I'll get you another one dude. Chill 😎

Maprang: 😂, sounds like you guys really partied hard

Prae: Yeah, you missed out big time. Oak's rendition of striptease was a riot 🤣

Wad: Kongpob?

Aim: Maybe Kongpob's not up yet? He had a lot to drink

May: Yeah, he looked like he had fun. Did you guys see how many girls were swarming around him on the dance floor?

Oak: How can you not when half the club was just surrounding him? He should send a few my way. I could show them some of my signature moves 😉

Prae: Striptease style 🙄

Oak: Yeah...😁

Maprang: Perv

Tew: There was a girl trying to kiss Kongpob too

Wad: I saw that

May: Did she? How come I didn't see that? 😳

Tew: Oh please, you and Aim were making out like no tomorrow. Next time, please get a room. 🙄

Kongpob: No, I didn't kiss her. I think...

Tew: Yeah, why did you reject her? She was pretty. You should have seen her pissed face when you left her there hanging

Kongpob: whatever

Wad: Kongpob, did your driver pick you up?

Kongpob: I think so. How else would I have gotten home?

Wad: You mean you don't know?

Tew: Kongpob, are you even at home? Did you and that hot girl get together 😉?

May: 😳

Kongpob: No, of course not. Thak, our butler said he brought me home last night.

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