Chapter 7

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Arthit was so scared. He thought he was almost caught by Kongpob when he suddenly turned around. With his hand over his heart to calm the rapid beating, he looked down at his phone to see the few pictures he took of Kongpob. He was so handsome up on the stage. He commanded attention and exuded confidence. Arthit was so proud of him. If only he can go hug him, and congratulate him personally. But instead, he gave a bouquet of white roses to a kid nearby and paid him 100 baht to hand them to Kongpob. Arthit closed his eyes, and felt the pang in his heart.

Arthit's friend Prem caught sight of him while he was waiting for his boyfriend Wad. While Arthit still had his eyes closed, Prem walked up to him and said "BOO!" making Arthit jump and dropped his phone. He quickly went to pickup his phone hoping it didn't break, and Kongpob's pictures were safe. Luckily, his phone landed on a soft spot on the grass as he was standing behind a tree. Now that his phone was safe, he focused on his laughing friend that scared the shit out of him. He punched Prem in the arm. Prem quickly raised his hands to surrender, and said, "Hey Arthit, what are you doing here?" with a grin on his face. Everyone in their circle knows that Arthit is not over his moon, his 0062. So, Prem just wanted to tease him knowing fully well why Arthit was there.

Prem of course was there for Wad. Their relationship is not a secret, but they are just private people. They don't talk much about themselves to others, but they openly hold hands and kiss in public with no hesitation. Prem opened his own photo studio, and is now a famous photographer. Arthit now works at Tanaka Corporation where Wad would be joining upon his graduation. Wad wasn'to too excited about that though.

Flashback 6 months ago...

Arthit's friends had tried many times to convince him to go talk to Kongpob, but he always refused and asked them to respect his choice. His friends knew he was stubborn, and it took a long time for him to pick himself back up when they first broke up. Arthit quit his job at Ocean Electrics after the first week, and drank himself to sleep almost every night for over 6 months. His friends took turns checking up on him. Even Bright stayed over with him at least once a week. Bright still says he risked his life staying there, but all he really had to do was shut his motor of a mouth to stay alive.

Then one day, Wad went to Prem's apartment after class, and mentioned about how a pretty girl boldly asked Kongpob out on a date in front of everyone at lunch. What really shocked everyone was Kongpob had actually said 'yes' because he was impressed by how brave she was despite being shy. At that very moment, Arthit felt like a cold bucket water was just splashed onto him, and he collapsed on the floor. Wad didn't know that Arthit was over at Prem's apartment, in the kitchen when he spoke casually to Prem. Prem hushed Wad, but Wad just walked away into the bedroom and slammed the door.

Wad was mad at Arthit for being a coward and hurting Kongpob. Kongpob acted like nothing was wrong, but he saw him secretly cry when he thought no one was looking. Kongpob who only ever think of others, only wanted to free Arthit, and let him choose his own path whether it was with or without him. And here he sees Arthit moping around drinking and worrying his friends with his stupid excuse of giving Kongpob a better future. Everyone is walking on eggshells around him, afraid that he would do something even more stupid than breaking two hearts that belong together over people that don't matter.

After Arthit excuses himself to leave, Prem walks in the bedroom finding Wad face down on his pillow. He went over to sooth his boyfriend knowing how loyal his boyfriend is to Kongpob. Wad turns and sits up on the bed, and says, "you know he brought this upon himself. Kongpob deserve to find happiness too. And besides, isn't this what he wanted?" Wad looking up through his lashes at Prem. Prem then says, "sometimes people don't realize what they have until it's gone. I just hope I will never have to go through that and lose you." And Prem brought his lips closer, and kissed Wad on the forehead.

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