Chapter 17

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Kongpob pulls Shenyi along straight to their car. Shenyi tries to control herself from giggling the whole time.

"Wow... That was hot Kongpob. P'Arthit is even cuter in person. By the way, he is such a lovesick puppy. Poor guy."

Kongpob doesn't say anything as he drives away. Slowly, his vision starts getting clouded as tears start to fill his eyes.

"Hey, hey, are you okay? Maybe, we should pull over."

Kongpob pulls the car over, and rests his head on the steering wheel.

"How much did you see? Did you hear what he said?"

"I saw and heard what I needed to hear. Do you feel like you left him?"

"No. If he wanted to, he could have tried to reach me. I was here for a whole year before I left for Beijing."

"I know, but he obviously still loves you. Don't you see how sad he is? It's been three years, and he is still in tears. Now, we just need him to fight for you."

"Stop. I know you mean well, but you don't understand. He broke me. There were days I didn't want to wakeup anymore. I don't think I can go through it again. It took me a long time to get over him."

"Hold on, if you call drowning yourself in your studies, and barely living 'over him', then yeah, you seem over him. Kongpob, he dragged you out while you were with me. And he kissed you in public. I think he is ready this time. The question is, are you?"

Shenyi wipes a fallen tear off Kongpob.
Kongpob smiles weakly at the gesture, "I do miss him a lot."

"Yeah, I can tell from that kiss. But let's make him work for it. Let him prove that he is ready this time."

Shenyi pinches both sides of Kongpob's cheek, and then gives them a light smack in hopes of cheering him up.


Rubbing his sore cheeks, Kongpob shakes his head, and smiles to Shenyi's mischievous wink.

Kongpob sighs, "what am I going to do with you?"

"You mean, what would you do without me?" Shenyi laughs.

Kongpob pulls back into traffic taking them home.


Arthit aimlessly walked around. His heart has carried him to the park across from the Rama VIII bridge. The bridge that held their first kiss. Kongpob's words kept replaying in his head.

My heart can't take it again. I can't live in the shadows. I don't want to be ashamed of. I don't want to break again.

Does this mean there's no chance for him anymore? I've hurt him so much. Why did I have to be afraid? I've broken the one I love. I deserve this. Arthit touches his lips thinking of the kiss from earlier. He misses Kongpob so much, his heart is aching in longing. He continued to walk, and eventually made his way home. When he reached the front of his building, there was an unexpected guest looking at him.

Shenyi smiles, and steps forward coming closer to Arthit.

"Hello P'Arthit. I have been waiting for you."

"How did you find me? Did Kongpob tell you I live here?"

"Don't fret the details. I have my ways."

"How can I help you then?"

Arthit looks around to see if anybody else is there.

"I saw what you did to Kongpob this afternoon. He is mine you know. I made it clear that I am his girlfriend. So, what do you want?"

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