Chapter 11

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Arthit hardly slept last night, and woke up even later that usual. It was already noon when he got up. All night, his thought was on Kongpob leaving for 2 years, the kiss they shared, and him crying for Kongpob. He kept replaying his encounter with Kongpob's father too. He felt that Khun Kerklai was a very warm person indeed. It almost felt like Khun Kerklai really knew who he was. That thought made him nervous for a second.

He was about to rummage through his fridge to make something to eat when his phone rang, and it turned out to be Prem calling. Arthit hesitated before picking up, he didn't have an excuse why he had messaged Prem last night to drive Kongpob yet. He took a deep breath, and picked it up anyway. Surprisingly, Prem asked to meet him at Yanni's Cafe. The cafe his gang are used to going. So he decided to forget about cooking, and just grab a bit there instead.

Arthit arrived first. Since he was hungry, he ordered his pink milk and a chicken basil fried rice. Prem didn't show up until Arthit's food came. Just as Arthit was about to start eating as he was now starving, Prem plobs down in front of him.

"Hey Prem, what took you so long? I'm hungry, so I ordered first. You go ahead and order what you want"

"Sure, no problem."

Prem flags a server down to order an iced coffee.

"So, what were you doing there last night?"

Arthit almost choked on his food. He quickly took a sip of his pink milk.

"Where? What are you talking about?"

"Well, you sent me a message last night asking me to drive Kongpob home. If you weren't there, how would you know I was there? By the way, don't even bother denying it. Wad saw you there."

Prem takes his drink from the server, and starts sipping it.

"Wad saw me?...Well, I just happened to be there. I saw him getting wasted, so I thought maybe you can just take him home too."

"You mean you just happened to be at the exact same club that Kongpob and his friends we at? And you just happened to be there alone? Come on, you can do better that that? Just spill it. What the heck! Are you stalking him now?"

Arthit looks down as he shovels his food back and forth with his spoon.

"No, I was there because he had mistakenly texted me instead of his driver to pick him up. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't want him to be stranded. I wasn't stalking him."

"So you saw everything?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Wad said some girl tried to kiss him, and he pushed her away."

"Yeah, I saw that."

"So, he is still holding out for you. You should talk to him."

"He is leaving for two years. And I don't want him to stay for me either. So why bother? It's better this way. He won't have any distraction from his studies."

"What if he meets someone else?"

That question squeezed Arthit's heart. He looked out the window, and took a deep breath.

"Then that would be even better. He can have a normal relationship, and a bright future... without me."

Arthit's eyes are holding back tears at this thought.

"Arthit, I just hope you won't regret. He is leaving by next month. Don't wait until it's too late my friend."

The month went by in a blink of an eye. Kongpob has spent the past month getting all his paperwork and living arrangements in Beijing ready. After that night at the club, he has only had time to see Aim and Wad once, and that was only because they came all the way to his house to see him. The rest of his time, he had to visit his grandparents from both sides of his parents. His sisters Kik and Karin have stayed at home for the last two weeks just to spend more time with their baby brother. His oldest sister P'Kik even brought her daughter Nita with her too. So, Kong was more than occupied for the whole month. But that didn't mean he didn't have time to think of that certain someone.

He still woke up before the crack of dawn to see the sunrise. He told himself that he would move on, and stop once he sets foot on that airplane. This is what P'Arthit wanted, and he should let his sun be happy.

He says to himself, "tomorrow will be my last time.''

At the airport.

Kongpob hugs all of his family and friends. Today, even Maprang made it back in time to send Kongpob off. A few of his close seniors are here too. Bright, Prem, Knott, and Tuta are all here. The only one missing is his P'Arthit, or as far as he can see.

Kongpob: Thank you all for coming to send me. Especially Ps', I didn't expect you guys to come.
Prem: Well, I decided to come with Wad, and when I told the guys I was coming, these bafoons insisted coming along.

Knott: Hey, you are all of our junior, and friend. We are friends regardless of senior-junior status. Remember, we are your friends too. Let us know if you need anything that we can be of help. Okay? You study well now, and make us proud.

Kongpob chuckles, and goes in for a hug with Knott.

Kongpob: Aw...P'Knott, you are going to make me cry.

Bright: Hey, I want one too. Maybe some of your smarts and handsomeness can rub off on me.

Prem smacks Bright from the back of his head.

Kongpob hugs Bright while laughing.

Prem: Kongpob, let us know when you land safe. Stay in touch. Line or call us when you arrive, okay?

Kongpob: I will P.

Kongpob hugs Prem and looks around, but he doesn't see who he wants to see.

Aim: I'm going to miss you man. We have been together since kindergarten.

Aim hugs Kongpob tightly, and starts to sniffle.

Kongpob: Two years will go by very fast. Besides, you have May to keep you occupied.

Kerklai: Son, take care of yourself. I will visit you whenever I can. Uncle Yung's driver will be there to pick you up when you arrive. Let me know when you settle.

Lisa: Baby, make sure to eat your meals, and get enough rest. Don't make me worry about you.

Karin: Kongpob, it's time to get going. Take care of yourself.

P'Karin kisses Kongpob, and tells him to go. Kongpob waves to everyone, and turns around to leave.

Arthit gives a little wave, and watches as Kongpob's back disappears. With a heavy heart he quickly walks away before anyone can see him. He got in a taxi to go home, and silently cried in the back seat. Telling himself, he will really move on now.

AN: I really like this song. It reminds me of my first crush. We never officially dated, but we shared moments that have been imprinted in my heart. This song is also where I got the title of my story.

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