Chapter 6

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Kongpob didn't go back to his apartment last night. He mindlessly walked around until he reached the Rama VIII bridge. It was at this very bridge Arthit gave him their first kiss. This was where is heart bloomed so big that it felt like it was going to explode. He still remembers that moment like it was yesterday. The giddy feeling that he still gets every time his lips touches Arthit's. He still can't believe how something that feels so right can be so wrong. Kongpob thought to himself, is it really wrong to follow your heart and truly love someone? He sighs, telling himself that he can't be so selfish to push his love onto P'Arthit. He sat at the nearby park with the sacred spot of the  bridge as a backdrop as he watched the sunrise. The whole time he thought of his P'Arthit. There will never be a sunrise he doesn't think about his P'Arthit.

As Kongpob slowly made his way home, he passed by their regular breakfast stall, so like clockwork, he automatically bought Arthit his breakfast. It was only 6:30 am, so he knew Arthit wouldn't be awake yet. So he brought the breakfast home with him. He looked at his apartment that felt cold and empty. He grabbed the empty boxes that he moved in with for his internship, and quickly filled them back up with his stuff. By the time he was done packing, the apartment looked like he was never there. Just like his P'Arthit's heart will soon be like he was never there. Kongpob grabbed a piece of paper and wrote Arthit a farewell letter. He cried while writing it. Telling Arthit to find another love was like stabbing his own heart and tearing it apart. When he was done, it was just past 7am. He took the breakfast and the letter next door. He hung the breakfast on the door knob, and slipped the letter under the door. He hoped that P'Arthit would be able to wakeup on time today. 'Take care Ai'Oon,' he says to himself. As he went back to grab his boxes to leave.

Today was Kongpob's last day as an intern at Ocean Electrics. His co-workers gave him a few gifts, and wished him well endeavors. P'Tod and P'Earth stopped by the production department to give him a tie clip as a farewell gift. He noticed that he has not seen Arthit. Tod sensed Kongpob looking for Arthit and casually mentioned that he took a sick leave today. So Kongpob thought maybe Arthit just didn't want to see him even for the last time.
At the end of the day, Kongpob went home to his parents house. He just wanted to see his mae and por. When he arrived home, his mae almost didn't recognize him with his sunken face, and eyebags under his eyes. His mae quickly ushered him to his bedroom. Kongpob laid on his bed tiredly, and let sleep take over him. He was in and out of sleep for 6 whole days, locked in his room.

He vaguely remembers joining his family for meals, but quickly returned to bed soon after eating. His mae and por know the only thing that can make their son so depressed must have been a broken heart. His mae was so worried and so angry at this ARTHIT that dare to hurt her baby. Kongpob's por had to reason with her to calm her down, and keep her from hunting Arthit down for a reason why her baby is so sad. She feels that she has poured all her love and soul to raise all her babies. Kongpob is so kind and sweet, she can't stand watching him hurt crying in the dark at night. But thankfully by day 6, Kongpob started to interact more. But the real reason was because he overheard his por telling his mae to let the young ones solve their own problems and fight their own battles. If it's true love, and it's meant to be, it will surely happen.

Kongpob, really didn't want his mae to go look for P'Arthit, so he pulled himself together.
By the next following week, he went back to school like nothing happened.

He continued to be the perfect student, the perfect son, the perfect role model for his juniors. His friends asked about him and Arthit, and he just told them that they needed a break to do some growing up. Since his friends didn't witness how broken he was a week ago, they let it go. As time went by, slowly they were used to Kongpob being single. Girls of all faculty came after him. Even a few boys that knew he had a boyfriend before tried to chase him. He paid them no attention though.

One year later, Kongpob and his friends are the new graduating class of engineers. Aim, his best friend since forever has landed a nice job in the city center of Bangkok. Tew got an engineer position at his father's current work place. Wad got a job with the company he interned before as a production engineer for a Japanese auto factory right outside of Bangkok. May and Maprang both got into an biotechnology company. While Oak has landed his dream job of working in the video game industry. He has been signed to work in Japan for the next two years. No one would have thought that all those hours of playing video games and coding would lead to such an awesome career.

While Kongpob's por is eager for Kongpob to join the company, he lets Kongpob think about what he wants to do. So, Kongpob who originally wanted to study economics instead of engineer decides to test for a prestigious master's program in economics in China. He challenged himself, and said that if he gets in, then he will go, if not then he will start work at the company. His por gave him an option of other programs aboard too, but Kongpop only wanted that one only. And like all things he does in life, he gives his 200%. 

As all graduates are sitting excitedly awaiting their next stage in life, their principal of Kasetsart University announced, "Please welcome the valedictorian of the class of 2016, Kongpob Suthilak. With straight A's throughout his university career, and near perfect score on every exam. He has acheived the highest academic standing in the history of Kasetsart University, setting a new record."
Kongpob walks up to the stage, and receives his sash from the principal. He then walks toward the podium. All the graduates got up on their feet.

"Graduates, we came into Kasetsart as strangers, now we leave as brothers and sisters. We have learned so much from each other, from our seniors, from our juniors, and of course our dedicated professors. We will always share this family, share these memories, and share our Kasetsart spirit. Today, we leave here no long boys and girls, but men and women. Let's go out there, and show them what we are made of. (A lot of hooting noise through the auditorium). Graduates, move your tassel to the right."

Everyone followed the motion. Holding on the tip of his cap, Kongpob announces
"Congratulations to the class of 2016!" and tosses his cap off, and catching it back.

Caps were flying everywhere. The auditorium was filled with excitement. People were trying to get around each other to meet up with their families. Kongpob was pulled in all directions by his family, friends, classmates, and even his professors wanted to personally congratulate him for his achievements. They all wanted a picture with him. What he didn't notice was someone standing at a corner with teary eyes filled with pride and longing watching him. When he thought he saw someone familiar, he turned around towards the figure, but all he saw was a sea of busy people snapping pictures.

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