Chapter 22

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"So, will you go out with me?"

Kongpob slowly raised his arms to return Arthit's hug, and takes a deep breath leaning against Arthit's head. "Yes, I want to give us another chance. Don't disappoint me P'."

Arthit didn't answer, instead he kisses Kongpob until they are both breathless. It wasn't a hurried kiss, but a sweet one full of longing. Arthit was finally able to feel Kongpob's soft lips on his again.

"P', do you answer everything with a kiss nowadays?"

Kongpob grins and hugs Arthit again.

"What about Shenyi? Did she just call your mae, aunt?"

"Yes, Shenyi is my cousin from my mae's younger sister."

"Then why did you say she was your girlfriend?"

"It was Shenyi's idea. She wanted to punish you for breaking my heart."

"And you let her?"

"How else would you have come to me? I honestly didn't know what to expect. I'm not even sure if I am ready to try this again. It was Shenyi that insisted that I needed to either start over with you, or finally move on."

Arthit acknowledges the truth in that statement. It would have taken much longer for him to work up his courage to approach Kongpob if Shenyi wasn't there to egg him on. 

"Should I thank her? Oh shoot. I didn't properly introduced myself to your parents. I have made such a terrible impression. From breaking their son's heart, to just waltzing in and out of their home with no proper introduction or gifts. Kongpob, this is your fault too. Why didn't you prepare me?"

"It's okay P'Arthit, you can do it next time. It's not like we are getting married."

"But we will."

Kongpob smiles, and starts running after putting the flowers behind the gate.

"Are we still running?"

"Of course, you didn't think you would be able to get out of this so easily did you?"

"Fine. And by the way, don't run topless again."

"Why? It's too hot sometimes. Are you jealous of the on lookers?"

"No, you are too hot. I get too distracted by you."

"Haha... fine, I wouldn't want to give you any excuses. You're so bold with your words these days."


Arthit was in the middle of a meeting when he felt his phone vibrate. He subtly checked his phone, and it was his mae calling. So after the meeting, he gave her a call.

"Oon, can you come home tonight for dinner?"

"Sure, I think I can get off on time today. What's going on?"

"Your por and I just want to see you Oon."

"Okay, but please do not introduce anyone to me. I am not interested. I'll be back maybe by 7 pm."

"All right Oon. See you tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day."


Arthit figured now is as good time as ever to come out to his parents. He has decided it's never going to get easier, but being without Kongpob just wasn't an option. So he is ready to face the music. He has wasted too much time already.

Arthit reaches home earlier than expected. He made his way through the house, but stopped when he heard his parents talking in the kitchen.

"I don't know how to start a conversation like that."

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