Chapter 15

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Kongpob had a great time catching up with his friends. They were very nice to Shenyi too. At the end of the night, they all promised to get together regularly, at least once a month.

Kongpob and Shenyi got in a taxi to go home as Shenyi was staying at Kongpob's home.

Kongpob: Are you tired? You can take a nap. I'll wake you when we arrive.

Shenyi: No, I'm fine. What about you? You were up so early. How do you even wake up before the sun?

Kongpob: It's just a habit I have when I'm home.

Shenyi: Wouldn't seeing the real thing be better?

Kongpob: It's not time yet.

Shenyi: You're right. Do you think they bought our story?

Kongpob: I think so. Wad and P'Prem kept looking at each other and us.

Shenyi: Well, I hope the word gets to him soon. This is so much fun.

Kongpob: You are just a little devil. Playing with my love life.

Shenyi: Don't you want to see his reaction? Besides, you agreed to my plan. Now we have to stick to it. He wants to see you with a girl, now he will.

Kongpob: What if he doesn't care?

Shenyi: If he doesn't care, then that's your answer. You should just move on like you promised.


That night when Prem got home, he reached for his phone to message Arthit once Wad went to take a shower.

Prem Message: just got back from meeting with Kongpob. Call me.

Arthit hears a ping from his phone. It was 1am. Who the heck is messaging him in the middle of the night? He reached for his phone anyway.

The moment he read the message, his heart almost jumped out of his chest. His Kongpob was finally back. After what Ruby said to him, he has decided to try to tell Kongpob his feelings. That way even if Kongpob doesn't want him back, he can at least say that he tried.

And for once he can be honest with himself. This time if Kongpob does accept him, he will be brave and he won't hide anymore.Arthit picks up his phone, and calls Prem.

Prem: Hey, I'm glad you're not asleep yet.

Arthit: Well, I couldn't sleep. What's up?

Prem: You saw my message right? Kongpob is back. But he is not alone. He came back with a girlfriend.

Arthit froze, and dropped the phone. Prem kept calling for his attention on the other side of the line. Arthit then picks up the dropped phone, and placed it back to his ear.

Arthit: That's good then. He has moved on, and found a girlfriend.

Prem: Are you all right Arthit?

Arthit: Yeah, I'm fine. It's been three years already. He should have moved on by now.

Prem: But you haven't. And don't tell me that you have, because those dates you go on are only for your mae.

Arthit: Prem, what do you want me to do? He has a girlfriend now. I have no right to disturb him.

Prem: Just tell me, do you still love him?

Arthit: I've never stopped. In a voice so soft, you would have missed it if you weren't paying attention. But Prem heard it.

Prem: Arthit, let's get your Kongpob back.

Arthit: What? How?

Prem: Just stay honest to your feelings. I will let you know when I have a plan.


Kongpob has spent the past week settling in at home. He has been taking Shenyi around town to all the major sights. To be honest, there's quite a few that he had never been himself. Maybe because when you are local, you always feel like there's plenty of opportunities to visit them, so you just don't really make plans to go.

Shenyi pointed out many places that were supposedly famous that he never even knew about. He was having a great time discovering his own city. Although it was unbearably hot everyday. Beijing gets plenty hot too, but the heat waves go away after a week or two. But in Bangkok, it's hot, hotter, and even hotter each day for the entire season. He is trying to readjust himself to that.

Shenyi is on her second cup of pink milk, and it's only half past noon. Kongpob doesn't even know why he introduced the drink to her, and now he has created a monster. She stomps and pouts for pink milk every time she feels hot, and that's like all the time. Kongpob is contemplating if they should only go to attractions that has a steady supply of pink milk.

Laughing to himself thinking of a certain someone that behaves the same.

It has been a long day. Kongpob has seen more temples in one day than the past 10 years. Words cannot express how grateful he was to finally be home. Once he got in the house, he quickly made a beeline for his room to go take a much needed shower. He needed every drop of the cold water to cool his overheated skin.

When he came out strolling past his desk, he saw a pink card sitting there. He opened the card to find an invite for Prem and Wad's engagement party. He was so excited for them. Wad has been a loyal and great friend to him through these years.

Wad was always quiet and reserved. Some may even find him unapproachable. But in reality, he is the most loyal and supportive friend anyone can ask for. Prem knew Wad like the back of his own hand. They complimented each other in each and every way. Wad was always calm when Prem was hot headed. Prem always knew how to put a smile on Wad's face when he was down. They completed each other.

Kongpob opened his group chat.

Kongpob: Congratulations Wad!!! Hey, did everyone receive Wad and Prem's bomb?

Oak: Yes, but I don't know if I can make it back.

May: Come on Oak. We haven't seen you for so long. And Kongpob is back too.

Oak: I will ask. Okay?!? No promises

Tew: Yeah, come back man.

Aim: How come I didn't get the invite?

May: Lol, I will let you be my plus one

Wad: Aim, you should have received it. Have you checked the mailbox?

Aim: You actually sent mail? I thought it would be an eCard. Let me go check the mailbox now.

Maprang: That is so Aim. What would he do without you May?

May: You let him know my worth my friend. 😉

Tew: I can't believe one of us is getting hitched.

Aim: Hey Tew and Maprang, how's it going? 😃

Tew: I would like to announce that we are officially dating.

Maprang: He is on probation.

Kongpob: Well, congrats to a new couple in our group.

May: So Kongpob, I didn't have a chance to ask that night. How serious are things between you and Shenyi?

Oak: Who is Shenyi?

Aim: Kongpob's new girlfriend.

Oak: 🤯

Aim: Yep.

Kongpob: Guys, it's pretty new, but she is nice to me.

Maprang: Almost every girl is nice to you. Have you looked in the mirror lately. 🙄

Tew: Hey, I'm right here.

Maprang: Sorry. You're not bad yourself okay. 😜

Kongpob: She helped me a lot in Beijing. I'm very comfortable with her. Our family are friends too. So, it's just easy. Anyway, guys I have to go. See you guys at the party.

AN: Does anybody recognize who Shenyi is?

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