Chapter 12

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Present Day

Arthit was at his parents house. His mae is complaining about how picky he is about the girls she fixes him up with. For the past two years, Arthit has been on countless dates that his mae has set him up with. He figured it's part of moving on. However, no one went beyond 4 dates with Arthit. He just didn't show enough interest. Girls would initially find him attractive, and he has a good job.

They were more than eager to go out with him, but his nonchalant behavior made them quickly lose interest. But last night's date was really awkward. The girl kept asking about his life goals, and where does he see himself in 5 years. She had set her limit to only one child, and she wants to be married within 1 year. She wants to have a baby before she turns 26 years old because she heard her figure will bounce back and recover much better due to youth.

Arthit felt like he was in a life interview more than a date. The girl kept talking so much that he got dizzy trying to keep track of where the conversation was going. If that wasn't bad enough, the girl tried to kiss him at the end of the date when he dropped her off. He saw her take off her seat belt, and leaned over, making kissy lips towards him. He instantly leaned back, and said goodnight. She looked at Arthit with murderous eyes, and got out slamming the door. Boy was Arthit glad that was over with.

Lily (Arthit's Mae): My friend says her daughter never wants to see you again. You know, I'm running out of options here. You are really making me look bad. I just don't get it. Why are you so picky? What kind of girls do you like son? I've introduced to you so many nice girls already. Just tell me, and I will find one for you.

Arthit: Mae, don't worry about it. I'm not in a hurry anyway.

Lily: How can I not worry? You are going to be 26 soon. You should find a girl and date a couple years, then get married, and give me grandkids.

Arthit: Mae, I need to find the right one. Just don't worry, it will happen when it happens.

Lily: I will give you 6 months to meet someone, and bring her home. Otherwise, I'm going to sign you up with the dating agency. My friend Phoon's son found his wife through a dating agency, and now they are about to have a baby too. I should ask Phoon which agency did her son use. I'm sure they will be able to find you a nice girl. You have a nice job, and my baby is so pretty.

Arthit: I'm handsome mae, not pretty. And no, I don't need a dating agency. That's okay. I'll manage. I'm going home now. I have to meet a friend later.

Arthit sighs as he leaves his parents' house. He knows the real reason why none of his dates worked out. His heart wasn't ready despite his physical efforts. He has actually made a couple of nice friends through these dates though.

One of them is Ruby. She is a nurse that Arthit went on four dates with. They had a lot in common. They liked mangas and animes. They both liked simple light hearted slap stick comedy movies. And here's another thing, they were both addicted to pink milk. They had a good time on each date talking endlessly.

However, by their fourth date, it was kind of the unspoken time to decide where their dates were leading to. At the end of the date, Ruby hesitantly smiled to Arthit, and said "can we be friends?" Arthit let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was so relieved.

Ruby: Look, I really like you P'. But more like a brother I never had. I'm an only child, and I've never had any friends that I feel so myself with. I've had a lot of fun hanging out with you, but I don't feel romantic with you.

Arthit: I'm so glad you still want to be friends. I feel the same way. I would hate to lose a friend like you, but I also don't feel romantic about you.

And that is how their friendship began. Arthit was also an only child, so he knew exactly what Ruby meant when she described her feelings towards him, because he felt the same.

*** This is Ruby

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*** This is Ruby. She is cute, petite, and tomboyish.

AN: Happy 25th Birthday to Singto! He is so hard working. He had a fan meeting in Hong Kong on his birthday, and he was super adorable.

I know this chapter is short, so I'll post two chapters today. I hope you like the story so far.

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