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Six years later

"Skyler, stop pulling Stella's braid out." Arthit yells at his little 4 years old while he tries to braid Stella's hair again.

Kongpob comes out of his office, and catches little Skyler as he was running away from his Papa Arthit. "Gotcha!" Kongpob tickles Skyler, and carries him over his shoulder.

"Daddy, I don't want to eat my porridge. It's not yummy." Skyler pouts as he is placed in front of his breakfast again.

Just like Arthit, their son Skyler hates bland food. He also takes after his papa's grumpiness, as he stomps his little feet in objection. However, he looks like a carbon copy of Kongpob, just a mini version. And as much as Arthit loves his son, he has to hide a secret stash of pink milk for himself. Otherwise, he would never see a drop of it no matter how much they stock up.

While their daughter Stella looked just like Arthit. Her milky white skin is even paler than Arthit's with big round eyes. Arthit never admitted that he's pretty until he saw his own daughter. Stella is the calm, cool, and collected of the two. She is very sweet, and always know what to say to get her way. She has her daddy Kongpob wrapped around her little finger. She is daddy's girl through and through. Kongpob once had to bring her along to a board meeting while carrying her the whole time just because she insisted that she was a koala that day.

Flashback four years ago

Two years into their marriage, Kongpob and Arthit were ready for the kids they longed for. Arthit wanted to go through gestational surrogacy because he wanted to fulfill his duty as a son to his parents, and he also wanted a child to look just like Kongpob. Kongpob didn't care either way as long as he was able to build a happy family with his P'Arthit. They went through a surrogacy agency. They were more than elated to find out that their surrogate had managed to carry twins for them. Both families were over the moon with the news.

End of flashback

Today is their twins first day of preschool. Arthit is a mess in nerves. He couldn't sleep all night.

"P', everything will be fine. Don't stress about it." Kongpob kisses the top of Arthit's head.

"You know, we can always home school them if you want."

"No. I'm just worried if they will be able to adapt. You know how attached Skyler is to my mae. What if he cries for her in the middle of class?" Arthit looks at Kongpob with worried eyes.

"Skyler is a big boy now, right? You're not going to cry for grammy, right?" Kongpob smiles looking at Skyler.

"I'm a big boy papa, I won't cry." Skyler says while nodding his head, and still pushing his spoon around his porridge.

Stella climbs off her chair as Arthit finishes braiding her hair, and climbs right into Kongpob's lap. She hugs her daddy like a koala as usual. Kongpob holds her on his left side, and manages to eat with only his right hand like it's the most normal thing to do.

"Stella, you should at least let your daddy eat properly." Arthit tells his daughter while he brings a mug of coffee closer to his husband's lips for a sip.

"Thank you Oon." Kongpob says as he smiles to Arthit.

Arthit puts the mug of coffee down, and just plants a kiss on Kongpob's lips because he just flashed his killer smile at him. It's his natural response after all.

"Arthit, are you worried about both of us taking the kids to school? I can stay back if you want."

"No, that's not it. Don't be silly. I'm proud of our family, and I would never put those doubts in our babies's head. Besides, I've done my research on the school. It's very accepting, and open to different families. We are not that special.

It's just, it's just...they are growing up so fast. We have been so busy that I feel like I haven't had enough time with them. With you being the CEO now, and me being the GM, we've barely had time to be home with them. Before you know it, they will be off to college."

Kongpob reaches his hand to Arthit, and kisses his knuckles.

"Oon, they are only four. There's still many many more years and milestones to come. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. You are a great papa. Our mornings and nights are my favorite."

Arthit smiles, and looks at his family full of love.

"I finished my porridge papa! What's my reward?" Skyler comes running to Arthit.

Arthit picks his baby up, and plants a big kiss on both his cheeks. "There's your reward."

"Oon, I want reward too." Kongpob gives Arthit his pouty look.

"No, daddy. You didn't finish your porridge yet." Skyler sticks his tongue out to his daddy making a funny face.

They all had a good laugh, and got ready for their big day.



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Standing in front of the twin's classroom, holding their little hands

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Standing in front of the twin's classroom, holding their little hands. The twins are so excited to see all the other kids, and can't wait to join them. They wiggle their little hands out of their daddy and papa's hold. Stella looked up to her daddy, and Kongpob nods and let her go. The twins wave to their daddy and papa, and went to join their classmates.

Kongpob turns around, and tries to hide his tears. Arthit puts his arm around Kongpob's shoulder, and guides his head to lay on his.

"Look who's crying now." Arthit teases, and kisses his temple.

Kongpob lightly hits Arthit on his chest.

"I love you, Kongpob."

"I love you too, Arthit."

The end.

AN: Thank you for being on this journey with me. I had this story in my head for over a year before I put it out here. I was inspired by many of you fellow writers/readers to give writing a chance. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. Thanks for the votes and comments. They keep me motivated and engaged, reassuring me that someone wants to read this. I curtsy to all. ☺️

May Kongpob and Arthit live happily ever after in all our stories. 💗

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