Chapter 8

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Kongpob has always been an early riser, but for the past year he has only gotten up even earlier. This morning he is up by 5:15 am. He is now sitting on the roof terrace at home enjoying a cup of coffee, and listening to the birds chirp and the rest of the world slowly awaken. He looks up to the sky, and watched the sun slowly rise and fill the sky with it's warmth. His heart is warm and heavy looking at the site. His por came and sat next to him with today's newspaper in hand.

Por: Why are you up so early son? There's no school. Shouldn't you sleep in a little?

Kongpob: Morning por! I'm just used to getting up early. You want some coffee? I can get you some.

Por: No need. Lara (the maid) will bring us breakfast and coffee. So when are you going to hear from the master program?

Kongpob: In about a week.

Por: If you get in, when does the program start?

Kongpob: It starts in August with the first two weeks as introductory weeks. They'll take the new students around Beijing, and get to know the city.

Por: I have a good friend in Beijing. I'll give him a call if you get in. So aside from that, how are you son?

Kongpob: I'm fine por. I'm just looking forward to new things in life.

Por: Well son, just know that you can always talk to us.

Kongpob: I know por. Thanks.

They continued with their small talks and ate their breakfast. Enjoying each other's company.

One week later. Kongpob comes back from a morning jog, and goes to check his emails. He has been anticipating his admittance decision for over 3 months. He really want a change of scenery to help him move on. The fact that the program is on his favorite subject 'economics' doesn't hurt either. Once his laptop is ready, he quickly opened his emails. There in his inbox, there indeed was an email from Peking University. It read, " Congratulations! You have been admitted to Peking University's master of economics program."

Kongpob sported one of his biggest smiles at the screen. He immediately opened his group chat with his friends to let them know the good news. But of course, none of his friends on vacay mode wakes up this freaking early, it was barely 7:30 am. He turned around and looked at his bouquet of roses, and was almost certain, or at least he convinced himself that those were from that certain person. He knows he shouldn't even go there. He knows his heart is still too weak. He shouldn't hope for something that's not his. He sighs, and thinks to himself, 'should I let him know? Should I say goodbye?' He shakes his head a little at the thought.

He quickly got up from his seat, and grabbed his towel to hit the shower. He stood under the water, letting it glide down his sun kissed skin. He closed his eyes remembering a time when that certain person would wrap his arms around him from behind. It's as if he can almost feel him. He opens his eyes, and tells himself to stop thinking about him.

After showering, Kongpob checks his phone to see that he has a few messages, and 2 missed calls. He smiles and opens his friends group chat to see a bunch of congratulations. Oak suggests to go out and celebrate tonight since it's Friday night. Everyone agrees except Maprang as she is out of town. Kongpob got dressed and went downstairs to share his news with his family. Kongpob's mae was so excited that she was jumping up and down hugging him. Kongpob's por gave him a proud pat on the back and full of pride in his eyes. His sisters got the exciting news from his mae screaming over the phone. Kongpob could only chuckle over his silly mae's antics.

Kongpob's mae turns around after ending the call with Kongpob's sisters, and said "we have to celebrate, let's throw a party!" Kongpob's father nods in agreement, and says "Let's do that dear. How about sometime after I come back from Singapore next week." Kongpob's mae agrees, and suggests next Saturday so she will have enough time to invite the extended family and friends.

Kongpob and his gang met up at Galaxy Club that night. They popped a bottle of champagne, and got the party started. Everyone took a turn to buy a round of shots to celebrate Kongpob's acceptance. Aim took May's shot for her being the protective boyfriend he is. Oak was already dancing trying to dance on the table by his 6th shot. Prae laughed so hard watching Oak attempt a striptease dance that she almost fell over. Wad and Tew dragged Kongpob out on the dance floor.

They were really enjoying themselves as it may be a long time before they can be this carefree with no school anymore, and no one started work yet. They also knew Kongpob would be gone for two years, and they will miss him a lot since they've been together almost everyday for the past four years. They promised each other that they will always stay connected. As the guys were on the dance floor, Kongpob was slowly surrounded by girls. Some were outright rubbing their bodies up against him.

The music was pumping, and the alcohol was flowing throughout his body. He was on cloud nine at the moment. The girl in front was hot, and her hands were running wild on him. He would be lying if he said he didn't think about touching her, but he wasn't drunk enough yet. He let her continue touching him until she reached up on her tippy toes, and put her right hand behind his nape pulling him in for a kiss. He instantly snapped out of his trance, and pushed her away. He stalked off back to the table leaving the girl surprised and upset. But Kongpob didn't care. He just didn't feel like it, he said to himself.

He found Oak laying on the sofa giggling. While Aim had his arm around May's shoulder, and whispering in her ear something that made her blush, and earned him a snack on the chest. Kongpob sat across from the lovebirds, and opened a bottle of beer. Wad and Tew came back to the table too, and they all started to drink again. By the end of the night, they were all more or less hammered. Aim and May were the first to leave as Aim had to take May home first. Tew and Oak left together since they lived in the same neighborhood. Prae's girlfriend came to pick her up. So it was only Wad and Kongpob left at the club.

Wad had called Prem to pick him up, but it would take him at least thirty minutes before he gets there. So Kongpob kept him company while they continued to finish off the last few beers. Kongpob was pretty wasted himself, but he had texted his driver to come pick him up, so he wasn't worried.

Wad: Hey, I saw what happened on the dance floor. Are you okay? That girl was pretty hot.

Kong smirks, and shrugs his shoulders.

Kong: Hehe... I just didn't feel like it. But I agree, she was pretty hot.

Wad: So when will you feel like it then? Dude, it's been a year now. Are you still not over him?

Kong: I would be if you would stop bringing him up.

Wad rolled his eyes in disbelief.

Wad: Yeah, right! Like you don't buy pink milk every night on your way back to the dorm. Like you don't look at your old chats with him. Don't pretend you don't, because I've seen you do it more than a few times.

Kongpob doesn't say anything, and downs the rest of his bottle. They sat in silence, and finished the rest of the beers. Prem came shortly after and picked up Wad that was now slouching on him half asleep. Prem offered to take Kongpob home too, but Kongpob told him that his driver was on the way. So Prem bid him farewell, and took Wad home.

AN: I tried to find a picture of Singto dancing with a girl, but nothing really fit my plot. It's like no sexy girls are ever in the same frame with him. 😅

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