Chapter 25

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Kongpob can hear Arthit and his mae laughing as they bring out the food in a tray. There was papaya salad, chicken satay, basil pork with eggs, and stir fried morning glory.

Arthit's Mae: Kongpob, I made sure to make everything with very little spice if any. Arthit told me you don't like spicy.

Kongpob: Thank you Khun Lily.

Arthit's Mae: Just call us mae and por. You are like our son now.

Kongpob: Khrap mae, por.

Arthit smiles at Kongpob. He is relieved that everything is going so well. He reached his hand over to hold Kongpob's hand under the table. Arthit kept putting food on Kongpob's plate. He was afraid that Kongpob may be too shy to get food for himself. Also he wanted Kongpob to eat more of his mae's delicious cooking. Kongpob picked up the chicken satay stick Arthit just placed on his plate.

Kongpob: Mae, your food is very delicious.

Arthit's Mae: If you like it, then please eat more. Let me know what other dishes you like. I will make them next time. Kongpob, so you are left handed?

Kongpob: No, I'm right handed.

Arthit's Mae started giggling.

Arthit's Por: What's so funny honey?

Arthit's Mae: Honey, they are so cute. They are holding hands under the table while they are eating. We were just like them before.
Arthit's por starts laughing too. Arthit and Kongpob immediately blushes into tomatoes. Arthit let's Kongpob hand go and looks away shyly. The rest of their meal was pleasant with more teasing here and there.

After lunch Arthit took Kongpob around his neighborhood, and to the park he played in growing up. They laid out a blanket, and sat under a tree in the park. Arthit laid his head on Kongpob's lap while Kongpob gently ran his fingers through Arthit's hair.

"P', I never would have imagined that we would be sitting out in the open like this. It used to be so hard just to sit next to you. It's nice."

"I like it too. Kongpob, I've been meaning to say I'm sorry. In the past, I knew I had hurt you each time I rejected you. I knew you started to doubt my love, but still I couldn't get myself to overcome my fear. It's only when you were gone that I realized how much I wanted to hold your hand. I wasted so much time, and missed out on us. I'm not afraid anymore Kongpob. I love you, and I want everybody to know."

Arthit reaches for Kongpob's hand, and plants a kiss in his palm. Hoping the other will hear his sincerity.

Kongpob smiles looking down at his beautiful P'Arthit's face, tracing his features with the tips of his fingers.

Staring off afar, Kongpob softly speaks, "I was young and too insecure. I needed a lot of reassurance that I wasn't alone in this. That you too felt this overwhelming love that I was drowning in, that consumed my every thought. Despite what it may have seemed to you, I too had fears of judgement. But with every touch, every kiss you returned, letting me know that you loved me too, it made it all worth it. I tried to love enough for both of us, and I had convinced myself that it was enough back then, but slowly it got too hard."

Arthit turns in towards Kongpob still laying on his lap, and wraps his arm tightly around Kongpob's waist, "I'll do better this time. Just don't leave again."

"WE will do better this time." Kongpob puts his arm around Arthit, and runs his finger through his hair again.

They remained silent for a while, each making promises in their hearts that this time will be different. This time they are ready.

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