Chapter 18

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Kongpob arrives at Prem's family beach house to find that his whole gang was already there. Everyone was in full on beach attire. They were hanging out by the pool. Clearly visible through the beautiful giant glass windows. The party was going to be in the evening, but everyone wanted to come early to hangout. All the close family and friends would stay the night at the beach house, and head back to the city the next day.

Wad and Prem casually strolls over to greet Kongpob and Shenyi. Kongpob and Wad engulfs each other in a big bear hug. While Prem takes a bag from Shenyi.

Kongpob: Congrats guys! I'm so happy for you two.

Wad: Thanks for coming.

Prem: Yeah, thanks for coming. We waited till you came back from Beijing to have this you know?

Wad elbows Prem playfully.

Shenyi: Congratulations! Thanks for inviting me too.

Wad: Of course, you are now one of us. Come in. I'll show you guys to your room. You guys are staying in the main house. There's two bedrooms downstairs, and three upstairs. Some of us will be staying in the guest house in the back where there's five more rooms. You guys came last, so you guys will get this room.

Kongpob: Any room is fine.

Prem: Well, don't say I didn't warn you. Bright and Tuta is staying across from you. You know how nosey and loud they can be.

Shenyi: Oh, I don't think I have met Tuta yet.

Prem: He is also Kongpob's senior, and there's Knot too. You guys settle in and then come join us by the pool. We are just going to hangout and have some food and drinks.

Kongpob: Thanks guys. We will change and come join you soon.

Wad and Prem leaves the room, and closes the door behind them. Shenyi flops on the bed, and declares the right side as hers.

"So, are you ready for the show?"

"As ready as I will ever be. I don't know why I let you talk me into this. On second thought, can't we just leave it alone?"

"Sure, if you never want to get laid. Just wait and see, you will thank me later. You don't have to do anything, just be casual. I'll just cling to you."

"Isn't that what you already do?" Kongpob rolls his eyes with a grin.

"Hey, I've kept you entertained the past two years. If it weren't for me, there would be no difference between you and a rock that just sits there."

"Haha, fine. You win. Just wait until I tell Dylan about all of this. He doesn't know what he is committing himself to."

"You ungrateful jerk." Shenyi glares and pout.

Kongpob ruffles Shenyi's hair as he takes his swim shorts to the bathroom to change.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom, you can change here. Let me know when I can come out."


A few minutes later.

"You can come out now."

"It took you long enough."

Kongpob steps out with a pair of black swim shorts sitting low enough where the top of his 'v' was showing. He was still lean, but fit with broad shoulders, and six pack abs. His sun kissed smooth skin only added to the allure.

"Whoa, looking good. The gym and the morning jogs have really paid off."

Kongpob smiles, "Thanks. You're not bad yourself. If I didn't know you, I would definitely think you're too cute for that bikini."

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