Chapter 29

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After dinner that night, Arthit dropped Kongpob home.

"Goodnight P'Arthit."

"Goodnight Kongpob."

Kongpob leans over to give Arthit a kiss before leaving. When he turned around, Arthit halts him by the arm.

"Hmm? Yes, P'?"

"Remember to tell your mae and por."

Kongpob smiles, and kisses Arthit's cheek.

"I will P'Arthit. I will call you later. Now, drive safely. Text me when you reach home. I love you."

"I love you too Kongpob."

Kongpob gets out of the car, and waves as Arthit drives off.

He walks into the house to find his parents watching TV

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He walks into the house to find his parents watching TV.

Lisa: Welcome home sweetie. Have you eaten yet?

Kongpop: Yes mae, I ate with P'Arthit.

Kerklai: Kongpob, come sit with us son.

Kongpob walks over, and sits next to his por. He sits there for a good twenty minutes not really paying attention to whatever world news was on the TV. Glancing between his parents, Kongpob thinks about how to start the conversation about him moving out with his P'Arthit.

Kerklai senses his son's odd behavior and hesitation, but waited for him to compose himself. He can tell that Kongpob will spill any moment now with all his fidgeting.

Kongpob: Por, mae, I want to talk to you guys about something.

Kerklai: What's bothering you son? You know you can tell us anything?

Kongpob: I want to get my own place.

Lisa: But Kongpob, you just came back. You want to leave us already?

Lisa is now frowning with a pout.

Kerklai: Calm down honey. Kongpob is an adult now. He wants more room and privacy. That is normal.

Kongpob: I'm sorry mae, but I'm used to being on my own now. And I don't plan to move right away. Maybe by August, like before I start work. I will still be home for another two months.

Lisa: After two months, then I won't see you.

Kongpob: Of course not. I will try to come home once every week. Okay?

Kongpob gave his mae his saddest puppy eyes.

Lisa: Fine! You have to promise to come home as often as possible.

Kongpob: I promise.

Kerklai: Where do you plan to move to?

Kongpob: Well, P' Arthit and I plan to move in together. So somewhere convenient for both of us to commute to work would be good.

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