Chapter 19

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That evening, the party was held in the resort's garden. String lights hung over head with white tables set underneath. Beautiful centerpieces made of pink roses and blue hydrangeas sat on each table. Both Prem and Wad wore matching outfits. Wad was in a linen slate blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and long white pants. While Prem wore a white linen shirt with his sleeves also rolled up to his elbows, and slate blue pants. Their outfits complimented each other very well. They kept fixing each other's hair, collar, sleeves...they just couldn't keep their hands off each other.

Tew comes up to them, "uh em em... You guys know that we are not air right? It's time for you guys to address your guests. I think most are here now."

Prem shyly nods. Wad falls in love a little more when he sees Prem act that way. Tew shakes his head, and smiles happily for his friends.

Standing at the center of the stage are Prem and Wad's parents. Prem's father steps forward, and speaks to everyone.

"Thank you for coming to the celebration of our sons. We are not only friends here, we are family. So, I am going to be honest and open here. It was not always easy for both our families to come together like this. It took a lot courage, patience, understanding, and above all love, for these two young man to come this far.

Acceptance did not come easy for us older generation, but a parent's love for their child is tried and true throughout ages. We just needed to learn to love even more. Today, we are proud to say that we are extending that love to welcome one more son. Please raise your glasses, and toast to our sons Prem and Wad."

Everyone raised their glasses and drank to that. Some were cheering, and some were sniffling happy tears.

Prem and Wad went to hugged their parents. Wad was crying, and Prem went to wipe his tears, and whispered something in his ear that made him chuckle. Prem intertwines his hand with Wad's and walks to the center of the stage.

"Thank you to all our friends and family for making time to come to celebrate with us. We are truly blessed to have you."

Prem looks to Wad, "Loving Wad was the easiest thing. It happened when I wasn't looking. And now, all I do is look at him. Center of my focus, and the story behind all my shots. He is my love. He is my muse. He is my world."

Wad blushes so hard that you can almost feel the heat radiating off of him. He takes the microphone from Prem. "Uh em, it was definitely not love at first sight, but more like first fight. Your kindness and caring nature brought me out of my shell. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me, and loving me for who I am."

Wad and Prem both hold up their glasses and toast to everyone. Everyone drank to the couple, and started their meal.

Bright: The food is so good. Whoever's next to get engaged or married, please use the same caterer.

Tuta: Dude, swallow before you talk would you. You might choke.

Knot laughs at his friend's antics.

Arthit is deep in thoughts. He thinks to himself, if only he was braver before, then he and Kongpob might be engaged too by now. He sighs to himself.

At the junior's table, Oak is telling another one of his Japan mishap stories. Yes, Oak was able to make it to the celebration after all. He even brought his Japanese girlfriend with him. Her name is Yuki, and she laughs and giggles at the slightest thing that comes out of Oak's mouth. She's quite cute and pretty. Everyone is very impressed with Oak. After meeting Oak's girlfriend, Bright announces he is moving his bar to Japan.

Everybody rolls their eyes and laughs at him.

Bright: Hey, I'm so handsome, I'm sure I'll find a model there.

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