Chapter 9

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Kongpob was sitting there half asleep when someone came close and sat next to him. He felt someone gently touched his left cheek, and then ran their fingers through his hair. The touch was familiar to him. A touch that he has been missing for a long time. He wanted to open his eyes, but they were so heavy. Soon, he felt he was being lifted. He knew he was somewhat walking with his arm over someone, but still not really sure what was going on. He smiled when the familiar scent of someone he had missed for over a year now hit his senses.

He turns his head towards the person, and opens his eyes to see him. Is it really his P'Arthit, or was his eyes playing tricks on him? He really couldn't tell. But before he could give it any further thought, that person grabbed his collar, and smashed their lips together. The kiss was a hungry one. Kongpob couldn't respond right away, but it felt right. So right. Soon, he started to kiss back, and parted his lips, granting the other access to every part of his mouth. Their kiss seemed to have stopped time.

After their breathless kiss, the person leaned his forehead on his shoulder, and started to sob softly. Kongpob didn't know what was really going on, he just automatically hugged the person in front of him like second nature. He was still very much drunk, and slowly he fell asleep with the person still in his arms.
Arthit hails a taxi, and took Kongpob home.

During the whole ride, Kongpob slept on Arthit's shoulder. Arthit intertwined their hands. He held up Kongpob's hand and kissed it while tears rolled down his cheeks.

He has sat in the corner of the club for the past two hours watching his love from afar. Kongpob had texted an address to him, and told him to pick him up around 1am. At first he was excited to see a message from Kongpob, and then confused by the message out of the blue. It turns out, Kongpob had mistakenly texted him instead of his driver, Arun. Arthit didn't know if he should text back or not.

He didn't know if he should start their line of communication again, but he also didn't want Kongpob to be stranded at the end of the night. He really didn't know what his plan was, he just went without much thinking. When he got to the club, his eyes immediately found Kongpob like they were trained to do so. He saw the gang dancing on the dance floor.

Kongpob was surrounded by girls flirting and rubbing up against him. He swears those girls were trying to climb up on Kongpob like he was a tree or something. Hiking their skirt up to hook their legs around him. Arthit was so angry at the sight, he downed his beer in one go. It took everything in him to keep himself in place when he saw that girl tried to kiss Kongpob. He actually got up on his feet, but he didn't move when he saw Kongpob push her away. Instant relief washed over him.

He ordered another drink, and nursed it for the rest of the night watching Kongpob from the corner of the bar. The bartender kept trying to chat with him, but after a few too many clipped responses, the bartender gave up.

The club was still packed when Prem appeared to pick Wad up

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The club was still packed when Prem appeared to pick Wad up. Arthit quickly texted Prem to ask him to take Kongpob home too, but probably because the club was so loud that Prem didn't notice the text. When Arthit noticed Kongpob had passed out on the sofa, he finally walked over. He figured Kongpob was probably too wasted to even notice him there.

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