Chapter 16

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Kongpob puts down the phone and goes downstairs to find Shenyi. She was napping with her hair still wet on the sofa. Kongpob moves closer, and uses his towel to start drying Shenyi's hair.

Shenyi opens her eyes when she felt Kongpob's presence

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Shenyi opens her eyes when she felt Kongpob's presence.

"You do make a good boyfriend."

Kongpob chuckles, "Well, you make a terrible girlfriend. I don't know how Dylan puts up with you.."

"Ha! I take that back. You're a meanie."

Shenyi hits Kongpob with a cushion.

"Guess what I got today?"


"My friends Wad and Prem are getting engaged. The party is in two weeks."

"Yes, I love parties. Let's go shopping. I want to get a few dresses."

"Sure, I should get them a gift too."

Kongpob's mae walks in with a tray of fruits. She sits next to Shenyi.

Lisa: Have some fruits children.

Shenyi: Thank you auntie. You're the best.

Kongpob: Look at you buttering up to my mom. But mae, you are the best.

Kongpob kisses his mae on the cheek.

Lisa: Kongpob, you should treat Shenyi better. Girls like to be pampered.

Kongpob rolls his eyes, "yes, mae!"
Shenyi sticks her tongue out at Kongpob playfully.

Lisa: So Shenyi, how are you adjusting? I promised your mae and por to take good care of you. Let me know if you need anything. Okay?

Shenyi: I'm doing great. I love everything about Bangkok. The last time I was here, was when I was 11, and so much has changed. And Kongpob introduced me to nom yen. My life is complete now.

Kongpob: Exaggerate much.

Lisa laughs at their bantering. They are too cute together.


At the mall.

Kongpob and Shenyi has been to almost every store in the mall. Kongpob's arm are about to fall off from carrying all Shenyi's bags. Yet, they still haven't bought Wad and Prem anything yet. Kongpob has already made multiple trips to the car just to drop off Shenyi's purchases. He regrets his decision to go shopping with her today.

 He regrets his decision to go shopping with her today

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