Chapter 23

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The rest of the week went by quickly. Arthit had a bounce to his every step. All his on hand projects were going smoothly, and his presentation went well. He even had lunch with Wad. For the past two years that they've worked together, Wad has always given him the cold shoulders. So, this was like the cherry on top of his sundae.

Arthit called Ruby the night before his big date with Kongpob. He wanted to fill her in, and run over his date plan with her. She has been such a supportive friend. When he filled her in about his progress with Kongpob, and how he came out to his parents, she was so excited and happy for him.

"Omg! I'm so proud of you P'Arthit."

"Thanks! I'm happy how it turned out too. I feel like I'm dreaming."

"So what's the plan this Saturday?"

"Oh, that's one of the reasons I called you too. My parents want to meet him, so I think we will have lunch at my parent's house. Then there's a very nice park by my house. I used to go there a lot when I was a kid, and I want to take him. Also I want to take him to the the comic store where I buy all my comics from. There's an uncle there that I want him to meet. Then we can maybe get some drinks before dinner. I want to take him to this noodle house with really great meatballs. He loves meatballs. Then we can go watch a scary movie."

"Scary movie? I thought you hate those."

"I don't like them, but it's fun watching them with him."

"Haha... Are you one of those that will jump and hide behind the other during scary scenes?"

"I am not."

"Haha... I don't believe you. Anyway, the plan sounds good."

"How about you? Any progress with the girl you told me about?"

"Oh, yeah! She asked me out. I was so surprised that I spilled coffee on her. Luckily, she laughed it off. We went out last week, and we are seeing each other this Saturday too."

"Wow, that's great. I am happy for you."

"Thanks. I really like her. I think I'm going to ask Prae to be my girlfriend if this Saturday goes well."

"Wait. What's her name?

"Prae for Praepailin. Why do you know her?
"Yes, she is my junior from university. She is Kongpob's classmate."

"Really? It's such a small world P'."

"Yeah, I can't believe how small it is. Well, let me know how it goes. I'll talk to you later. Goodnight."

"Goodnight P'Arthit."



Arthit slept till 8 am this morning, something he hasn't done in a while. Not that he is complaining. He made himself a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs with pork and basil, and a cup of coffee. He took a quick shower after eating. He put on his favorite light blue button down shirt and white jeans. He lightly gelled his hair.

He took out his favorite watch from a box he kept on a bookshelf, and put it on. It was a classic leather strap Tag Heuer watch that Kongpob had gifted him for their second Valentine's day. Kongpob had a matching one with a white face, while Arthit's had a black face. He hasn't worn the watch since they broke up because it was too painful for him.

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