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(Your POV)

Ever since I was born, weird looks and snickers were the only sort of attention I got from anyone. I was born blind, but I didn't have regular appearing eyes as other blind people had. My eyes are pitch black, taken over by darkness. The doctors could never figure out what medical condition I had. Since it was not physically harming me, my parents began to lose hope on finding a cure. I'm getting used to it though, as anyone would. 

Living in the village hidden in the mountains, I am an earth user. Since I cannot see, I can't learn the hand signs needed to perform a jutsu. I do have a different ability, though. I can sense anyone's presence through the vibrations they make as they walk on the ground. The stronger the vibrations, the closer they are; I can sense people up to a mile away. Even though I cannot use ninjutsu, I can send my chakra through almost any surface by placing my hands on it, making it move however I wish.

 As a child, I always tried to make friends by building peers and classmates small sandcastles and wood carvings, but to no avail. It seems like physical appearance is the only thing people care about when it comes to determining a person's worth.

 Since I was 10, I have been wearing large, black, scientist-like goggles to hide my eyes, as well as protect them from debris when I fight. I have also been wearing a very long scarf that covers most of mouth. The ends of the scarf reach my knees most of the time. I wear the scarf, as well as long, black, baggy pants and long sleeve shirt to hide most of my body as possible. I wear black, fingerless gloves to protect my palms from the ground. Wearing so much black doesn't exactly attract people to me, either.

I've known for a long time that no one will ever accept a freak like me. It's only me, myself, and I for the rest of my life.

"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone."

-Orson Welles

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