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It was the day after the whole 'everyone in the class knows you're blind and you ran off like a little baby' incident. You and your brother walked to school, as per usual. Obviously, he had no idea what happened. He was such a snitch and you knew that if you told him, or if somehow he found out, you would be un-enrolled in the academy faster than you can say 'rasengan!!!'

You were more nervous than you were going to school on the first day. You knew all eyes would be on you for God knows how long. You couldn't have been more right. As soon as you step foot into the school, you could sense everyone getting into little groups, and they were clearly whispering something. They were probably gossiping about you, you figured. That was true too.

You had it turned into muscle memory; how many steps and how many turns you needed to take in order to get to your classroom. There wasn't any sort of braille on the classroom numbers, so you just had to hope you were in the right classroom until Iruka-sensei spoke up.

You made it to class without getting tripped again, surprisingly. The laughing and huddling was worse than it was out in the hallway, now that everyone who experienced that event first hand was in the same room together with you. You walked over to your seat very slowly, as to not trip over any more feet. You finally make it to your little quiet area and sit in your seat, next to Shino. 

He still hasn't said anything since he answered Iruka-sensei's question the other day. He hasn't said a word to me, why hasn't he been laughing at me like the others? Your thoughts are interrupted by Iruka-sensei entering the classroom and stating, "(y/n), I need to speak to you for a minute." Uh oh, you hope he isn't too mad about you running out of the classroom yesterday... You walk with Iruka-sensei into the hallway and close the door behind you. You start shaking and are on the verge of tears again when Iruka-sensei puts his hand on your shoulder, lovingly. "Hey, it's ok," "I'm sorry about what I said yesterday, I should have talked with you in private like you asked." Yeah, no kidding. "I had no idea that you were..." "Blind?" You say. "Yeah. You're not in trouble for running off yesterday, anyone in your position would have done that. I'll do my best to deal with your classmates, they just can't seem to keep their mouths shut." He says. "O-ok...thank you sensei.." You mumble, and he opens the door and everyone runs back to their seats. You make your way back to your seat next to Shino and sit down. 

At least one of your classmates has common decency..

Scared To Be Lonely [Shino x Blind!Oc/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now