Alt. Ending chapter 2

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You inhale the anesthetics slowly, and you feel your senses slowly fade away into unconsciousness. In the two hours you are asleep and are having some surgery and medical ninjutsu done to you, Shino is waiting anxiously outside your hospital room.

The second the doors open, Shino rushes in. You have bandages over  your eyes and the sound of his voice relives any fear you had of your operation. 

"With my expertise *cough cough* I was able to cut down the operation to two hours instead of five. You're ready to have your bandages removed, (y/n), whenever you're ready."

You take a large gulp of nothing and grasp onto Shino's hand. "I'm ready." You say confidently.

Lady Tsunade removes your bandages at almost a painfully slow speed until they are completely removed. You open your eyes and all you feel is pain. This is the first time your pupils have received any sort of light. After almost a whole minute of adjusting to the light, you begin to make out the figures standing around you. 

"What do you see?" Asks Shino, removing his sunglasses.

You blink your eyes a few times and see your beloved for the first time and begin crying. You fall into Shino's arms. "Are you alright?" He asks, a tint of concern in his voice. "You're so beautiful..." You say as you look up and stroke his cheek with your thumb. 

"Not as beautiful as you," He says. "I love you (y/n)..." He says as he kisses your forehead and begins to cry himself. 

You two stand there and hug each other for about five whole minutes until you leave the hospital, thanking lady Tsunade on your way out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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