Happy Birthday

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Shino's birthday is tomorrow...what should I do for him? This was your only friend, and you knew you had to give him the perfect gift. Flowers? No, too romantic. A card? Too cheesy.

Then it hit you. This is the best idea you've had in a long time.

You walk out of the house and into your safe place. You create a blueprint in your mind as to what it was going to look like. You wanted to make a tree house, so you guys didn't have to hang out on the cold, hard ground. You also wanted to make giant, rock letters spell out, "Happy Birthday, Shino" And of course you wanted to give him something he could take home with him, so you wanted to make a little granite butterfly on a pedestal. "This is a perfect plan, good job (y/n)," you thought to yourself with a smile on your face.

You immediately got to work. You didn't even realize you were up all night working on this until you felt the warm rays of the sun hit your skin. You explored the tree house and felt around the letters to make sure it was finished, and you hid the statue in one of your pouches wrapped around your leg. 

You quickly made your way to the front of your house, where your team was all waiting. "I could get used to this.." You thought with a smile. You all walked to school together, talking about the dumbest of things. You had grown fond of your teammates; dog boy, sheep, and buggy. 

Hehe, "buggy," you often called him that.

While you were all training in the training grounds at the school, you were careful to protect the pouch with Shino's birthday present in it. You were having such a good time training and sparring with your teammates, you didn't even realize how high you went on your "rock legs." You were so far in the air you could just barely sense your classmates' chakra on the ground. You were going to slowly lower the stilts until you were safe on the ground, but you knew you needed to be faster than that if you were going to pass the chunin exams. You quickly formed more rock platforms next to you, each one going farther and farther down. You made it to the ground in under 30 seconds. As soon as you got down you pushed the earth back into the ground where it was before you disturbed it's peace. 

You heard everyone else on the training grounds go "wow" and "cool." You felt pretty impressed with yourself, and your friends cheered for you when you got back off the ground. "That was so cool (y/n)! First you were like swoosh and all of a sudden you're hundreds of feet in the air, I could barely see you! And then a bunch more things went up in the air and before I knew it, you were on the ground! You made like...stairs! Out of the ground!" Kiba was too busy fangirling over your supposed awesomeness to not realize he was still in a sparring match with you. You pinned him to the ground and said "I won this round," with a smirk.

le time skip 

You and  your teammates made it to your house after walking you home. They all turned to leave and said their goodbyes. 

"Shino, can you stay here for a second?" You said quietly to your friend. You didn't notice him blush, but clearly your team mates did

"OoooOOoOOoOOoOOoHHhh SshHHhiiInnNnnOoo, somebody's got a CccRrRUuuSsHHh!!" Kiba coos. 

A crush? What was that?

Shino just ignores it and walks with you into your special spot. Before you reach it, you tell him to cover his eyes. He obliges and walks into the spot with you. 

"You can open your eyes now!" You say, excited at his reaction.

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