The Chunin Exams

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Months after months went by. Before you knew it, the chunin exams were beginning. 

You had trained your ass off since you arrived here, and you weren't going to let your family or teammates down. You had become good friends with Kiba and Hinata, but especially Shino. After his birthday, you two just felt...closer, than the others. You shared a bond that no one else had. Kiba referred to it as "crushing" but it felt...more than that. You have come to learn what crushing is. Clearly every other girl, except for Hinata; who had eyes for Naruto, had a crush on Sasuke. Because they had feelings for him from afar, it couldn't be considered more than a crush.

I heard Kiba say things like "Ooooohhhh, you two are in love!" 

Love? Was that what a crush was? You didn't really understand, or care for that matter. You decided to talk to Kiba one day about it.


"Hey Kiba? I have a question.." 

"Spit it out, (y/n)."

"Well, it's just..." You say quietly, not enough for your teammates to hear, as they are not too far away. "You have referred to Shino and I love? And, I don't know what that means.."

Kiba starts to laugh a little too loud, as the rest of your team looks back at you two. You usher Kiba to talk with him in private.

"Well, (y/n), being in love is like a crush but...more than that." He says. More than a crush? 

"It's a crush but more extreme, you have all of the feelings you have when you think about your crush, but you feel more strong towards their personality and their feelings rather than their looks." 

"I can't see Shino, so how have I had a crush on him instead of it being 'love'?" You reply

"I'm not sure, but when you really love someone, you would do anything for them. You would even die for them, and you would do anything to make sure they are safe." The dog boy says.

back to reality 

Today was the first part of the chunin exams: a written test. 

You and your teammates walk into the classroom, and are separated in order to prevent cheating. 

"Good luck, (y/n)." Shino says. "You too." 

Once everyone is in their seats, Iruka-sensei reads off of a piece of paper. "Good morning, everyone. Today will be the first part of the Chunin exams, a written test. This will test your knowledge over everything you have been taught this past year. There are ten people standing around the room to prevent you from cheating." He said that last part with a little enthusiasm in his voice. "You have an hour!" He yells as tests are passed out. 

You are given a textured piece of paper with braille, especially for you. You feel the paper, "reading" the questions. You start to sweat. You have no idea what the hell the paper is asking you. You haven't heard of any of this stuff before. You know if you're caught cheating, you will automatically fail the chunin exams, and you can't let that happen.

"If you're caught..that is.." You think to yourself. You focus your kekke genkei on your other classmates, who have already started writing. You focus on one particular person, and copy their hand movement. You have a particularly hard time doing this, but you focus hard enough, and you can feel the way they are moving their arm and hand. 

You hear other students get up and escorted out of the room. They must have been caught cheating. You start to sweat as you finish up the last question.

"Time's up!" Iruka-sensei says. You let out a sigh of relief. To your surprise, Iruka-sensei explains that the test was designed to encourage cheating. Without getting caught, that is. He said that those who are still in the room and had answers on their paper were skilled enough to evade detection from the test proctors. We all passed.

You hoped that Shino was in the room. You started to worry until you felt a little beetle land on your hand. You could feel it's chakra, so you knew it was Shino's. You smiled, you both were a step closer to becoming chunin. 

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