A Friend...

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Your POV

You get home that night, half expecting your parents to yell at you for not coming home last night. You walk through the door, and your parents just glance at you and go back to whatever they were doing. Yep, of course they didn't even know you were gone. You go back to your room, which was just the closet under the staircase. 

All you can think about is Shino, he's the only friend you've ever had. Your heart skipped a beat just thinking about him. "Friend..." The word echoed in your head. You remember all the things you talked about the past few days. You both seem really similar. Is this what friendship is? If so, I'm willing to change my mind about people. Maybe not all of them are bad... 

You fell asleep with a smile on your face. This is the second time this has ever happened to you. "Goodnight, Shino.." You whisper before you fall into a deep sleep on your pile of blankets that was your bed.

Scared To Be Lonely [Shino x Blind!Oc/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now