An Unfamiliar Place

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You look over your shoulder one last time before the village you grew up in disappears. You can't see it, but you know there's no looking back if you could. You never had anyone there that cared about you. All that place was to you was where you would eat and sleep. You had no fond memories there other than the ones you made by yourself creating something out of the earth around you.

After what seems like forever of stiff limbs, hunger and sore feet, you sense another presence in the far distance. "There's someone else here," you say quietly "over there." You point northeast. Your mother scoffs, "You better not be pulling our leg, or else you're dead."

You all walk about another mile until your father stops you all in your tracks. "Look, ahead!" You turn your head to face the direction your father is standing in. "A village!" Your dad exclaims. After a few minutes of walking and cheering about the sight of your guys' new home, you reach what seems to be the gates to the village. Your dad reads, "Village hidden in the Leaves, Konohagakure.." 

A new voice interrupts your thoughts. "Who are you and what is your business with our village?" The man states. He, as well as the other guards, can see your headbands with your village's symbol on it. "We are not from around here, we are from the village hidden in the mountains," The guards don't seem impressed. "We came here to seek a better life, we promise to provide to your village as long as we can call it home." The village had been underpopulated over the past decade, with many shinobi dying on missions and not enough people to repopulate to keep the village thriving as it had before. "I will take you to the Hokage, you will be told where you are going to stay and you can discuss your occupation." The Guard says, "welcome to Konohagakure."

The sound and vibration of the large wooden gates make you cower and cover your ears. To your sweet relief, you hear the hustle and bustle of the village; kids laughing, carts rolling and horses trotting. Everything sounds much more energetic and happy than your village was. Maybe you could have a better chance at making friends here, you thought to yourself.

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