Coming Down

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You had one week to train before the final part of the chunin exams. You were upset about Touma's death, but you had no time to mourn. This week, you were to train harder than you ever had before.

Day and night, rain or shine, you were training. Shino was worried about you, you hadn't gotten hardly any sleep since the night you received the news of your brother's death. 

The night before the chunin exams, it was raining harder than you'd ever seen it before. You didn't care, all you cared about was winning the next day. It was dark, the most light outside was given from the strikes of lightning. Your ears were sensitive, and every loud wave of thunder shook you to your core. You ran to the fighting grounds by the school. You started training there instead of your safe place because that's where you and Shino's tree house was.

By the time you got there, you were drenched. You ignored it, though, and began releasing all of your hatred and anger to the straw dummies and trees around the area. You screamed and cried while punching and kicking anything that was in your way. You were training your body to handle the impact of falling from high places, as you had fallen off of your earth platforms many times and it could be fatal if you were up too high.

You have been training yourself to do this for a long time, and it came to a point where you could raise yourself hundreds of feet into the air, fall, and land on your feet without injury. You were so angry, you propelled yourself farther in the air than you have ever been before. You knew it was a far drop, but you braced yourself for the impact and jumped. 

Shino's POV

I came to the training grounds behind the school to check up on (y/n). Ever since a week ago, she's been training herself until she passes out on the ground. It's pouring outside, what the hell is she doing here? I just watch her in astonishment as I watch her release all her rage on the straw dummies and completely destroying them.

I've seen her fall from her earth platforms many times, but she went way too high this time. If she fell from this height, she would die. 

I send a swarm of bugs to catch her and lead her peacefully to the ground. I run over to her and hold her close in the pouring rain.

"What the hell was that for, (y/n), you could have died!" I yell

"That was the point..." She says and collapses onto the ground, sobbing.

Oh no

"Why (y/n)...What were you thinking?" I say quietly, comforting her.

"Look at me, Shino!" She yells, removing her goggles and turning her face towards mine. "I'm a freak! I will never be good enough for my parents, or anyone! Not even you, Shino, I'm a failure.."

Her eyes are pure black. Her face and hair are dripping with the cold water falling from the sky. She's so beautiful, I'm done hiding it.

"That's not true, (y/n), because I...I love you..." 

Your POV 

You had just removed your goggles, you were so ashamed that you didn't care if Shino saw who you really were. A freak. You expected him to be scared, but he just told you that he loved you. 

What? You couldn't believe it. Shino felt the same way about you, you had been hiding your feelings from him for so long.

Shino's POV

I cup her cheek with my hand. God, I could stare into those dark orbs of hers forever. Without thinking, I lean in for a kiss. I plant my wet lips onto hers and close my eyes. She tenses up for a brief moment and kisses back. I hold her tightly, kissing her in the pouring rain.

"For as long as I live, (y/n), you will never be alone." I say after pulling away from the kiss, wiping her hair from her face.

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