What Does 'Friendship' Mean?

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He sits down next to you and you talk for hours and hours about anything and everything. You don't think you've talked this much in your life, and it doesn't seem like he has either. It was 4 a.m. School started in three hours. Time sure flies by when you're having fun. Having fun? What? What was this you were feeling? Is this what it feels like to have a...friend? No, it couldn't be. you don't have any friends, why would you now? You face your head to the sky and just think. With no regard to the mysterious male next to you, you lay down with your head on his thigh. "A friend..." A slight smile makes its way to the corners of your lips.

Shino's POV 

I'm sitting on the roof of the ramen shop, I had been invited by Naruto to come here and eat after school. We did this frequently, but I still never had conversations with anyone. I came up here to get some fresh air when I notice (y/n) go into an alley. Hmm, what could she be doing? I ignore it until I begin to hear her loud sobs. "She's in trouble" I immediately think to myself as I jump roof to roof into the alley. 

Shit, she's getting beaten to a pulp. I can't just sit here and watch. I hear one of them say "Show us your eyes, you freak! Show us how much of a freak you are!" They've taken off her goggles. I can only imagine what she must feel like right now, my heart hurts just thinking about it. I quickly send a swarm of bugs over to her attackers and have them crawl up their body. They scream and run away, and all I see is (y/n)'s body curled up on the ground. She's lost a lot of blood. 

I run up to her and try to help her up while talking to her. She tells me she deserved to have that happen to her. Why would she think that? 

I quickly realize why she would think that way. I picked her up since she can't walk, and I could just tell by her reaction of me asking where she lived. Her parents clearly did not care about her, they must seem indifferent to her since she's not worried about her parents not knowing where she is. My parents are like that too...

I take her to this area in the woods behind her house. Jeez, what the hell happened here? I lay her down and address to her wounds. I've never seen her up close like this. She has cuts and bruises all over her body. If only I would have gotten there sooner..

She thanks me for helping her and I get up to leave and I feel her tug on my sleeve, asking me to stay. I blush a little bit. Wait. What? Me, blushing?

We talk for a long time about a lot of things. She tells me about her parents and where they came from. Damn, her life seems like a shit hole. I have never talked to anyone this much before. Why are we exchanging such personal information like this? What is this...feeling? Is this what having a friend feels like? Impossible. I don't have any real friends. 

She lays her head on my leg, clearly tired. School did start in a few hours, and we needed to rest. I just stare at her face for a moment. "How haven't I noticed her beauty until now...?" I blush at the gesture and smile at the thought, "I have a friend.."

Scared To Be Lonely [Shino x Blind!Oc/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now