Strange Mission

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It's been over a year since your parents died. Shino moved into your house with you. Shibi let him, as he was told about your circumstances. He could tell that you really needed Shino. Without Shino, everything seemed so...quiet. You were sensitive to loud noises, yet you hated silence.

You did not have as many mental breakdowns as you had in the first few months of recovery. You had done your best to move on, but whenever you did feel angry, sad or scared, you would train. You became much stronger than you had been a year earlier. One day, Lady Tsunade asks team 8, including you, to go on a mission. 

You never had many interactions with the Hokage, you were sure she didn't even know you were blind. She tells you that your mission is to kill two rogue ninjas. She said she had word that they were living in the outskirts of the village, not too far from the gates. She told us this would be difficult, so she classified it as an A rank mission. This was your first mission, but you as well as the Hokage knew you would be able to handle it. Even since the chunin exams, you knew you could kill someone as soon as you had them in your grasp. 

You set out the next morning to begin your mission. Step one was to find them, step two was to kill them. Easy enough, right? Oh, you couldn't be more wrong.

You all make sure you have enough supplies. You knew this could take at least a few days, so you needed food and water, as well as stuff to make a fire and tents. Once you know you have everything you need, you head out of the village. 

You and your team walk around, looking for the ninjas, for hours. You can tell it's become night as you can hear the crickets chirping, and it's become suddenly cold. "Let's set up camp, sure putting up a fire could be dangerous, but it could lure the ninjas right to us so we don't have to look for them. We'll be ready when they arrive." You say

"That's true, good idea!" Kiba says

You set up two tents, one for you and Shino and the other for Kiba and Hinata. After you have the tents and fire set up, you and Shino go into your tent while Hinata takes the first watch up in a tree. For the first few hours, she will use her Byakugan to see the ninjas in the dark if they arrive.

You remove your goggles and look over at Shino as you lay down next to him. "I love you, Shino." You say with a smile on your face. "I love you too, (Y/n)." He responds. 

Scared To Be Lonely [Shino x Blind!Oc/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now