Now They Know

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A few days go by, training has been the only thing on your mind. You can tell that all of your peers don't seem to like you too much. You have been called "freak" more times than what you can count on your fingers. The person next to you still hasn't spoke a word yet, that is until Iruka-sensei asks, "Shino, can you tell me what taijutsu is?" Who is Shino? You wonder. The person next to you says very monotone and quiet, just enough so Iruka-sensei can hear, "taijutsu is a fighting style in which someone fights in hand-to-hand combat without the use of ninjutsu or genjutsu." So the person next to you is a guy, and his name is Shino. He also seems to be very smart, shy, and like bugs? Interesting.

No one knew you were blind until about two weeks since school started. You were told to go to the front of the class to demonstrate your ninjutsu. You nervously walked to the front of the class and someone put their foot out and you tripped, landing right on your face. Great. "How did you not see that? It was right in front of you!" Someone exclaims, obvious enjoyment in their voice. "It's probably because the freak can't see through those hideous goggles of hers." Another girls says. 

I try to ignore it and get up, just to be tripped by another person a few feet ahead. Everyone bursts out laughing. "The freak tripped again! What? Are you blind or something?" The person who tripped you says. "NO!" you yell. You haven't said anything since you've been here, so this was a surprise to everyone. "Enough!" Iruka-sensei yells. Thank God,  I really did not want to explain my sudden outburst, possibly revealing my secret.

You finally make it to the front of the class without tripping again. You crouch down and remove your gloves, putting them in your pocket. You place your now bare hands on the ground and press your fingertips hard into the earth. You concentrate with all your might, and the ground quickly forms a dome around your body. Your classmates let out something along the lines of "whoa." 

You retract the dome back into the ground, making it look the same as before. "That is very impressive, (y/n), but that is genjutsu, not ninjutsu." You stand there awkwardly and state very quietly, "I can't do ninjutsu..." "What do you mean you can't use ninjutsu? I have been teaching you how to use hand signs since class started!" You knew you would have to explain yourself, you hoped you could do it privately. You whisper to him, "can I explain later?" Iruka-sensei, obviously annoyed by what he thought was my laziness to learn ninjutsu, states, "no, you can tell me now." You look at the floor and tremble slightly at the thought of your classmates bullying you for another reason. "I can't see the hand signs.." Iruka-sensei is almost in shock. "What do you mean you 'cant see the hand signs'? Do you not have eyes? Are you blind?" 

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