Alternate Ending ch. 1

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(this is after the fight, but instead of almost instantly dying, you are taken back to the hospital just in time and survive)

Sitting up in your hospital bed, you feel a sharp pain in your chest. "Ah!--" You try to yelp in pain but it's hard for you to even speak. You immediately begin to panic. You are in immense pain and you have no idea where you are. You feel a presence walk up to you and they wrap their arms around your neck. "(y-y/n)..." Shino?

"I thought I would never see you again..." He says between sobs. You feel his warm tears on your exposed shoulder. Is he crying? Oh, right. The flashbacks of your fight fill your mind. No wonder you were hurting so much.

"I-it's okay...It's over.." You manage to croak out. He hands you water and you gladly take it. After downing the whole glass, your throat feels better, and you can talk without soreness taking over your throat. 

You're about to speak to Shino when Lady Tsunade walks in. "How are you feeling (y/n)? You were hurt pretty bad out there." 

"I'm fine now, thank you." You say.

"If you're up to it..." Tsunade pauses.

"..?" You notion.

"Well, while I was healing you, Mr. Aburame was telling me about your blindness and I decided to do a little research. It turns out blindness, at least by my standards and expertise, can be easily healed."

You stop breathing for just a moment. You could see? See Shino? These questions lingered in your thoughts for a little too long, as Lady Tsunade coughed, gaining your attention again.

Shino holds your hand and says, "It's okay if you don't want to, I'll love you either way. Why? Because your ability to see does not change you as a person." 

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. "I'll do it." You practically whisper.

"Excellent! We will start the procedure right away!" Tsunade almost shouts.

Scared To Be Lonely [Shino x Blind!Oc/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now