Yeah, a Friend

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You woke up to your brother slamming the front door. Thanks, Touma...

You get up and put your clothes on, as well as your goggles, scarf, sandals and headband (that you wore as a belt). You couldn't feel Touma's presence around anymore, he already left without you. Thanks, again..

You feel another presence approach you. You were scared it was one of those girls again, so you quickly crouched down and created a dome of gravel and rock around you. You hear a knock on the dome and a muffled voice. "It's me, Shino. You can come out now." He said with a smile on his face. You warp the dome back into the ground and stood up. "S-sorry...I thought you were.." You mumble, 

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to worry about them anymore. I think I scared them off plenty with my insects." He says as he places one of his bugs in the palm of your hand. You can feel their tiny chakra presence and it makes you giggle. How can something so little have so much chakra? It's so cute, you wonder what bugs look like. They're very tiny, and you can feel they're very delicate creatures. "Why are people so scared of bugs?.." You wonder, not realizing you said it out loud. "I often wonder that myself, (y/n)." Your bug-loving friend says.

A moment of awkward silence goes by. You cough and begin walking towards the school. Right, that's where you were going. 

"Shino...w-we're friends..right?" You ask him, worried at his response. "If spending all our time with each other and talking about literally everything together is friendship, then yes. I would say so." He says with a grin. You were so relieved. I guess it was official. You and Shino were friends. 

Scared To Be Lonely [Shino x Blind!Oc/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now